28 December 2010

27th Dec 2010 - Injection Day!

Hayden went for his 2nd month injection yesterday and unlike the month before, he cried only for a few seconds! We are so proud of him! I've recorded a video of the whole process so enjoy!

26 December 2010

2 Months since...

Christmas day. 2 months old Hayden. Maternity leave ending in a week. New lappy. New ip4. Life is a blessing.

Hayden is growing up so fast before our eyes. From 2.76kg to 5kg in just 2 months makes me feel slightly nostalgic as I began to picture him rolling on the bed to crawling to walking and best of all to utter his first word 'mama' when he sees me. I would be smiling in tears when that moment comes!

My sweetheart is now getting more & more alert towards his surrounding. Grabbing my fingers in his little tiny hands and smile when I tickle his cheeks. He melts my heart whenever he lays on my chest and doze off with his mouth slightly open. He makes me smile whenever he makes the cooing sound as if trying to communicate with me. He makes my heart ache whenever he cries (especially when he got his medical injection - my heart had this piercing pain when he cried with tears coming out from his eyes).

Hayden will be getting another scheduled injection this Monday and I'm very extremely worried & scared for him! I wAs told that this next injection he may develope a slight fever. I'm so not looking forward to this Monday. I'm glad my MIL & FIL are in town and thus they would provide me with the moral / mental / parental support that I truly need as we head to the hospital with our precious one together.

Its 1am now and I'm waiting for my baby to wake up for his next feed. I love him. I adore him. I love being a mother! I thank the Lord for blessing me with great friends, wonderful parents, loving in-laws, loving husband & this healthy beautiful child.

2010 is coming to an end and it has been fantastic. Merry Christmas my dearest readers. May 2011 be another great year for all of us!

08 December 2010

My darling Hayden!

Finally after few long months, I'm back in my parent's house...which means I now have a proper access to a computer...and THAT means I now can now upload photos in my blog! (really sucks big time for not being able to upload any photos or videos in blogspot)!

Anyways, as of today, Hayden is now 1 month and 18 days! Time really flies huh?

To my ardent readers whom have not seen the picture of Hayden, here's a little treat for you ... to see how much Hayden has grown from day 1 at the hospital till today....

Left to right: Day 1 at the hospital; Day 4 leaving the hospital; Day 4; Hayden is home!

His many facial expressions...

His irresistible smile

23 November 2010

Gold Digging?

It triggered me suddenly to write this post after I've read my friend's shoutout post on his facebook. We both encountered the same dilemma with our child especially when we find our babies wheezing with his her nose filled with mucus!!

I for one couldn't stand the sight of the slimy irritating thing that lingers in the hole of my baby's nose. I had to dig it out, I must! I have to! Especially with the wheezing sound coming from my baby's breathing, it triggered my instinct to just do anything to make him breathe better. So bring on the cotton bud & torch light!

I have no idea how to make the mucus get out of the hole. I was told there is some kind of a nasal sucker which you can buy from baby stores. Some even told me, save the money & just suck the mucus out with your mouth! Ewww??!!

What's the right method?

The dr said leave it till it comes out on it's on. I'd say dig it out if it's just outside the surface and do not do the 'treasure-hunting' style! It will only hurt your baby even more!

So to all mommas pappas outthere, what is your suggestion?

22 November 2010

Freedom After 30days!

What do you do when you are given your well deserved freedom after having endured long 'heavy' months of carrying a child & another long 30 days under confinement where you can't go
out, can't eat 'normal' food, can't drink 'normal' water (I had to drink only red dates water & Dom...plain water is not even allowed), once a week hair wash & daily ginger water bath.

For me, I had a shopping & pampering session marathon from yesterday till today! I had a 5.5 hours of hair makeover, shopping spree on shoes & dress and of course clothes for my little prince too! Baby clothings are just to die for! Its sooo cute you can't stop picking them up but at the same time sooo pricey for that small material! I spent so much $$ for the past 2 days (it's crazzyy!!) but I'm happy cuz it's worth it! Afterall my little prince has got to dress up for his full moon party this coming Sat (good excuse), my hair had been untouched for 9 months (quite good excuse as well), old shoes some how shrinked in size (another errr...good excuse), and I have an annual company dinner in 2 weeks time which I think it would be impossible for me to get back into my old size dress by then - gotta hide the 'orrible looking flabby tummy of mine!! (quite true actually). So final verdict? MONEY WELL SPENT! :D

Tomorrow is the day my little prince gets his Hep B jab. Hope he will be brave & able to withstand the pain & whatever symptoms that may follow later on (I was told some babies get fever after the jab). I hope all is well for my darling little prince!!

10 November 2010


Many of you have been wondering how's life for me being a mother. All I can say is, it can never be better =) Despite the lack of sleep everything is really good! How good? Well let's see:-

1) I'm under confinement for 30 days. - this means I get to watch all the tv shows on Astro. I can now tell you what show is at what time and what channel! In short I have a new profession -a tv guide.

2) I am on maternity leave till 31st Dec. - this means I get 2months of paid leave without working!

3) I breastfeed my baby - I am a target of envies as I get even bigger breasts than before.

4) I bathe everyday but I only get to wash my hair once a week - I get natural hair gel by the end of the week.

5) I eat so much ginger & I drink a glass of Dom everyday - my body is full of heat which I think I could turn into a dragon anytime now.

My little darling sleeps, drink & poo all the time. He is so cute that you just can't take your eyes away from him. He has a sleeping pattern - he wakes up sharp at every 2 hours interval (day till night) and he will be wide awake & start exercising his limbs (kick boxing style) from 4am till 6am! After feeding him at 6am he will continue his sleeping pattern of the 2 hours interval again...

Torturing you might think for me but as a mother you would just do anything for your child. I'm loving every minute of his baby-ish "cuteness" now as I will never be able to experience it again when he grows up...until of course I get my second child! When?? Well that you just gotta wait my friend!

27 October 2010

7days old Baby Hayden

Today marks the 7th day since our little prince was born. Everyday has been fantastic for us -
we get to see him sleep soundly, see him smile as if little angels are talking to him in his dream, frown when he poo poo, mouth open wide searching frantically for the tip that stores his mother's milk, cry when he's too hungry or just want a cuddle.

Tim adores his son and he would cradle him and comfort him (apparently babies love it when we caress & tap lightly on their back). What tickle me most was that last night Tim had a 'man-to-man' talk with his son on the bed. I didn't really hear what their conversation was, but I heard something about girls and women! And Hayden just continued to
stare at his daddy cluelessly...hmm... (I rolled my eyes at Tim).

We took our little prince for his 1st weekly check up and a blood test was done. The lab doctor pricked the sole of his foot to get some blood out. Baby Hayden cried only for about 20seconds or so during the whole process! Such a brave little kid! (there was this other baby
before him who cried the whole time right till they were out of the clinic!) I smiled as I did that little comparison in my head. Guess it's a mother's nature to want to compare and
feel proud of her child eh? :D

Tim & I continue to have this invisible love bonding for this child. Sometimes I secretly wish our baby remains a baby. Its really nice to cradle him in my arms and caress his angelic face! Being a mother is a wonderful feeling (despite having to wake up during wee hours in the morning to feed the little munchkin). I've learnt to change his diapers, next I will have to learn how to bath him! Seeing how the nanny does it, it really does require a bit of skill I tell ya!

Till my next post...

23 October 2010

Post Surgery

It's time for us to be discharged from the hospital today. Little Hayden is well and is currently at the nursery. I miss him. I truly understand how a mother feels about her child now.

Last night my Hubby came around midnight again to check in on us. We both slept on the hospital bed watching Hayden sleeping and twitching in his little plastic cot. Whenever he open his eyes, we'll go "ohh he is opening his eyes now!". Whenever he yawn we'll go "awww so cute!!!" Whenever he makes his little baby sound we both would giggle. How wonderful this feeling is. The arrival of Hayden is really a blessing for us as a family.

Post Surgery - The Side Effect:-

1. They cut me open at the bikini line. I could stand up and walk on my own the next day itself so it's good! But I can't stand for too long though...

2. No back pain no epidural side effect. Thank God! Dr Jam did a wonderful job!

3. Peeing is possible but as I reach the end of my bladder release, the uterus contracts thus
I could feel the prickly painful sensation at the wound area. It's normal apparently according to my doc.

4. Overall, C section is all right. But if u want to experience labour pain, go ahead. It is
an experience you will never forget. Plus with your Hubby right next to you, seeing you in pain and he can't do anything bout it, makes him cherish you more! :D

Anyhow, seeing a new born child coming out from your body, his cries filling up the room, the softness of his face when you kiss him...it's a whole new joy for me. I thank God everyday for blessing us with this wonderful & beautiful baby boy.

My little darling is awake now. The nurses brought him back to me. Time to breast feed the little munchkin. Till then...

21 October 2010

Baby Hayden

My baby, our prince, our little darling has finally arrived!

20102010 what a date! God has certainly blessed us with this new born child. It was an amazing & unforgettable experience for Tim & I - Tim got to watch the birth of his son right before his eyes, whilst I got the first hand experience of going through labour pain before going under the knife:-

1pm - contraction was getting a little more intense. My doc came to check on my cervix. I was traumatized again as she inserted her fingers (& forcefully try to check the opening of my cervix). I was in total agony as I grabbed the nurse and yelled in pain. I was told that my cervix was still at 1cm and it was not a good sign basing on my contraction intensity and the bloody discharge. I was given 2 options then. To wait for few more hours & see if my cervix is properly dilated or not (for natural birth my cervix will have to be 10cm wide) or to go for the C section... I chose the 1st option.

2pm- the contraction pain got stronger at every 3 minutes. I was in agony. I couldnt sit up or walk to the toilet anymore. It was horrible. The pain was absolutely horrible! The nurses came and my doc was informed of my condition. Looking at the intensity of my contraction and my cervix dilation, it left us with only 1 option...

2.30pm- I was wheeled in to the labour suite... I was scheduled for a C section at 4.30pm. At that moment I wished I could turn the earth (like how superman did) to speed up the time as my contraction was getting unbearable.

4pm - I was taken to the operating theatre. Tim followed in. I was given epidural by a very cheerful & friendly anesthetist Dr Jamsari. My doc held my hand the whole time calming me down whenever the wave of contraction pain floods in. Was the epidural injection painful? Well, to me it was the best feeling ever! The contraction pain was so overwhelming that other pain felt like ant bites to me. As soon as the epidural was injected behind my back, the pain vanished. I became slightly 'high' (like drunk high) and my lower limbs turned jelly. Time to cut me open now!

4.30pm - Tim came into the OT dressed in a surgeon gown with a surgical mask on (I thought he
was one of the surgeon until he came to me and said "hi babyyy!". I smiled.

4.45pm - the sound of a baby crying filled the room... "CONGRATULATIONS!! you got one healthy
little baby boy!" my doc told us. I looked at Tim and he couldn't stop smiling... (he recorded the whole process on our camera).

When they brought the baby to me I was speechless. I kept kissing his face and just wanted to hold him tight next to me. What a beautiful sight! It is certainly the best day of my life.

Tim, our little prince and myself took our 1st family group photo whilst I was being stitched on...what an incredible experience!

Hayden Dominic Ng. You are truly a blessing and our gift from God. Mummy & daddy loves you very very much!

20 October 2010


I've always wondered how does contraction feels like. Different people shares different experience and I'm gonna tell you what mine feels like!

The contraction currently coming in pretty regularly now as I'm lying down on my back. It feels like your stomach gets tighten up, invisible hand pushing your stomach down slowly till your lower back hurts. During this time your stomach would be as hard as a rock! Also you would be getting lower pressure pain just like when you have period cramps!

The 'bloody show' has already started. This means I'm having some blood discharge and my gynae came to check on me. Again she inserted her fingers in me and I yelp in pain! My cervix is only 1cm big now. But the baby's head is more prominantly pushing through already. Anyhow still gotta wait a little while more longer...

And my Hubby is gonna buy me double cheese burger for lunch. My last mcD before the 30 days Ginger diet torture begins.

At the Hospital

I'm currently lying down on the hospital bed. My Hubby has just left for work after spending a night here with me (we slept on the small hospital bed together). Sound sweet eh? It does feel comforting actually to have your partner hugging you when you are in pain!

Last night was another experience for me as I was strapped on with a belt on my belly to monitor the contraction and to hear the baby's heartbeat through a CTG monitor. Then after about an hour later the nurse came in with a message, "ok ms wong, it's time to induce you"....I looked over at my husband and he was already snoring away (at this time he was sleeping on a deck chair next to me).

The nurse had to insert the medicine in with her fingers in you-know-where! Felt so violated all in one day! sigh...
I slept on...but not very well actually because I could feel the contraction once a while and it was reaaalllyyy uncomfortable!

What's next? Well...my doc will be coming in later to check on me. When is she gonna break the water? I don't know...I'm just counting down the hours now...

19 October 2010

Tomorrow - D Day!

Just a short note.... the title says it all. Yup. Its tomorrow. 20.10.2010.

I just got back from my routine gynae check and it is just like any other normal check.

Urine - Normal

Weight - Normal

Blood Pressure - High

Dr Yap: Your blood pressure is slightly on the high side.
Please take off your pants and I will have to examine your cervix

Me: Huh? Oh..

****Dr inserted her finger into you-know-where****

Me: owww!!!

Dr Yap: Sorry.. please relax... just relax.... okay...
I can feel the head..... relax......

Me: Is the contraction 10 times worst than this feeling???
(silly question but it was rather painful to be honest when she poked me)

Dr Yap: Cindy... guess what? You will have a 20.10.2010 baby!
I will have to check you in tonight midnight and will have to induce you.... break your water
....... (everything goes blurry now... I can't remember her other sentences....)

Me: Huh?? What?? Doc? Tomorrow?? TOMORROW????????????

Dr Yap: Yes Cindy. Your blood pressure is rather on the high side,
we do not want any complication if you are to wait any longer....


.... My dear readers. I'm scared. I'm really really really scared.......

05 October 2010

Week 36 - 37

As my Hubby is driving me home right now I thought I would just pen down my preggy syndrome thus far...

I just visited my gynae and she did something that was out of my expectation (I have been well prepared with my constant research on what to expect in my pregnancy weeks - so u know). As I lie on my back for the usual check up, she came to my belly and started holding it with both hands and pressed it down! I was like whooaaa!! Slow down doc! I though she could be crushing the baby but I was just overly worried for nothing. She explained that she wanted to feel the baby's head to see where his currect position is. And the good news is that the baby's head has moved towards my pelvis! So according to my doc, it's anytime now!!

What I need to watch out in these few days/weeks:-
a) if there's any bloody discharge
b) water leaking
c) contractions - my belly will become rock solid when it happens

Today's check-up included a swab test too (which is norm at this stage). It's a papsmear test in case you are wondering. Rm70 for this to be done. Plus the weekly consultation rm90 per visit (for less than 10min chatting) gynaecologist can really earn big bucks! Boy, being
pregnant is really expensive. Why did I study law instead of medicine? Hmm...

Anyways, my belly is getting heavier everday and walking seems to take alot more effort now. Couple with the on and off Braxton hicks I'm getting, this little munchkin is like trying to me, "I wanna get out!"

Yes, my darling.., mummy n daddy are waiting for your arrival too :)

24 September 2010

Week 35 and Counting!

Well, I guess I'm in desperate need to blog as I'm doing so via my ever so reliable iPhone right now. Tomorrow I'll be in my 35th week (3-5 more weeks to go!!). How am I feeling? I'd say...TORTURING BUT HAPPY!

I never knew I could be happy being tortured by the little munchkin in my belly. I guess it gives me the assurance that my baby is doing just fine - with him actively kicking and bumping around. There are times when it's not moving, I would just talk to him and stroke my belly at the same time, telling him to give me a sign that he is all right. Coincidence or not, my little baby actually kicks back in response to my calling!

I've packed the bag with all that I need in case I go into labour. In this week and the coming weeks, I hope I won't be bed-ridden as honestly, I'm already starting to have constant lower back pain, Braxton hicks, false contractions and my limbs are beginning to swell like balloons. Driving to work seems tiring to me now and the most obvious part is the numbness on my fingers. Picture this: you fold your right hand into a fist and your fingers would get stuck in that position! How do you open up your right hand again? You force it open with your other hand! Sounds weird eh? Well that's what I'm going through now and that's what pregnancy can do to you. To my fellow pregger mamas-to-be, don't worry! Different individuals have different symptoms :) Take it easy and enjoy the whole 10months process. It's worth it!

Motherhood is nearing...I am truly excited!!

06 September 2010

False Contraction

Anxiety and panic kicked in last night albeit my constant researching and reading tons of articles on pre-term labour signs and how a contraction would feel like. It started off on Saturday morning where I had stomach cramps and I went on to answer the call of nature. It happened again in the late afternoon, and again I visited the toilet. Last night, I had the worst cramp of all, not just any cramps but cramps that made me wanna vomit and I suffered a mild case of diarrhea! My stomach contracted tightly and I had to lie down, waiting for the motion to pass on.... and thank God it did after 15minutes.

It was a false alarm. But during the time I was in pain, calls were made to my friends, my boss, my mother to ask - "how would you know if you are going into early labour?" I am in my 32 weeks now and I read and was told on the possibility of having preterm labour anytime! The only comforting part whilst I was sweating in discomfort was that my hubby was at my side caressing me and when I asked him, "what if the baby decides to come out early?" and to my relieve, his face lit up and excitedly he said, "good! why not?"

I'll be going over to see my gynae later but I do have a feeling that its only a normal case of abdominal pain and the little munchkin is still not ready to say hello to the world......yet.

02 September 2010

Goodbye Good-Nights....

Counting down the weeks... I can understand now what other used-to-be-pregnant-mommas tried to tell me on the sleep deprivation syndrome. Every night now I only get like 5 - 6 hours of sleep (not forgetting the frequent bladder-release trips I have to make in the middle of the night as well). I just couldn't find the right comfortable side to sleep on:-

a) Sleep straight (facing the ceiling): my tummy automatically flattens down a little which makes the baby doing some frequent kick boxing - trying to find more space I presume...

b) Sleep sideways: my tummy front feels lopsided - too heavy at one side or it feels like I'm sandwiching the baby between my body and the bed...occasional kick boxing practice by the baby too.

Remedy? I picture myself in having a pregnancy pillow... Instead of having one actual pregnancy pillow, I made myself one by hijacking all 4 pillows on the bed (too bad for Tim!) - one for my back, one for my leg, one for my tummy and one for my head =) It works all right, after a bit of squirming, counting sheeps in my head and gentle patting by my hubby to make me fall asleep....eventually....

I am getting a little bit excited about going into labour. Will I miss having the baby inside me once I deliver? ... I wonder.... =)

This is how a pregnancy pillow looks like. Should I invest in one?

23 August 2010

A Pampering Week

What a weekend! After 7 over months long of not scrubbing, masking and pampering my face, I finally get the green light to go for a nice relaxing facial spa! Coupled with a gentle eye and shoulder massage, I was in 7th heaven! I guess the only uncomfortable part was having to lie down flat on my back for 1.5 hours with the baby twitching and kicking every half hour. I even had to tell the therapist not to be surprise if she can see the sudden moving bumps on my tummy under the sheet - as it can be quite visible especially in my semi nakedness with only a thin white cotton robe covering my top half.

At the end of the treatment, I felt rejuvenated and it was time to leave. However, it got pretty hillarious at that point as I could not get up from the bed! It got my therapist laughing seeing my clownish attempt in trying getting up from the rectangular-stretcher-looking bed and she in the end had to come to my rescue.

So far I've received many remarks about my tummy size in this 7th month plus period:-

"very small"
"nice shape! so sharp looking! it must be a boy!"
" wow! 7 months??? Looks like 5 months to me!"
"everything is small on you...your tummy, your hands, your legs,... only your face is fat" (*you can see my eyes rolling here*)
*so cute! you look really young to be pregnant!" (*ahem! thank you! hehe! I am still in my twentiesss afterall*)

On my last Friday scan, my doc told me that the baby is now weighing 1.3 kg and has already positioned itself downwards. Meaning, the head is heading down and soon wil be moving towards my pelvis! In this period, I would be feeling slightly uneasy as my tummy is getting heavier day by day and occasional breathlessness would kick in (I am currently feeling this way by the way).

Oh did I mention that I can never sit on the floor ever again as I would never be able to get up unless you heave me up from behind?! I ain't drunk for sure but I sure do feel like one when that happens!

Fetal Development in this week

18 August 2010

Final Trimester

2 nights back I had a wonderful sleep. I gloated about it. I was delighted...because it doesn't come that often these days. As I'm now entering my final trimester, I constantly wonder what are the new symptoms that I would be facing. A good note of advice to all my pregger frens who have yet to reach the stage of where I am currently at, do lots of research/ read up on pregnancy and what to expect on your weekly progress. My favourite site is  www.babycenter.com as I get to subscribe to its newsletter and constant updates on my pregnancy details (a general idea of how my baby developes) would be sent over via email to me every week. Its good to know what to expect!

This week as I enter my final trimester, occasional heartburn and haemorrhoids take center stage now and indeed I am suffering from the slight discomfort (pain at times) at my buttock! Apparently my growing uterus contributed to the haemorrhoid and that these swollen blood vessels in the rectal area are common during pregnancy. I am no stranger to this "rectal nut" as back in 2007 I was wheeled into the surgery room to have it removed. Now that its back, I wonder will I need to remove it again and will it ever give me problems when its time for me to give a hard "push" on 31st October??!

I pray for a normal and safe delivery.... pray for me too my dear frens. As the little munchkin is getting more and more active inside me, it gives me the reality goosebumps that I am going to be a mom soon!

16 August 2010

Week 30

2 posts in a row for this week - just for my ardent readers/ followers. =)

The earlier one was about my overly promoted butter chicken dish. But of course, some of you would want to know how I am coping with my pregnancy and all.... well, for one, I'm in my Week 30! 10 more weeks to go before I cry in labour pain? Exciting or scaaaryy? Take a guess.

My tummy is getting bigger and bigger and that is what everyone seems to be telling me. Its like an overnight balloon. One thing for sure, they told me it will get even bigger in my 8th month!! This morning as I looked into the mirror, I realized how fat I looked. Not just looking fat, I feel fat too. Sigh. Well, thank goodness for my hubby who constantly tell me how beautiful I look and his constant touch on my tummy (besides the occasional jabbing and rocking my tummy just to intentionally make the baby kick inside in retaliation) I would have been in distress - psychologically. Looking at the yoga pamphlets that comes to my possession seems tempting and I've made up my mind to sign up for it as soon as I've delivered! - if that's possible.

Like any maternity/ nesting instinct, I willl be packing my bags soon - who knows the baby might decide to say hello to this world earlier than scheduled? Will see how it goes... as my doc told me from this month onwards, I will be seeing her every fortnight now instead of the usual monthly check-ups. Time is getting nearer and nearer... I could just feel it...

Another Chicken Recipe

I did mention in my previous post about my new found hobby - cooking right? I've discovered yet another delicious dish (yes, its another chicken recipe) and I must say, I am rather proud of this particular one on how it actually turned out. =D

Butter Chicken ("lai yao kai" in Chinese) and my recipe is as follows:-

Pepper, salt, sugar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cloves of garlic and dry curry powder
Duration: Overnight

Curry leaves, chili padi, evaporated milk, butter, corn flour, 1 egg

Here are my ingredients of what I was about to cook. The empty bowl is of course for my eggs =)

Ta da! My butter chicken!

I cooked 3 dishes in total. Besides the butter chicken, I treated my hubby with telur dadar and for myself, brocolli with ikan bilis. Not bad eh? I gotta think of what else to cook next week!

Any suggestions?

05 August 2010

Cooking, a New Hobby!

Nothing really interesting going on this week except for the fact that I found my new hobby - Cooking! That's right. For the past 3 days, I've been experimenting food and putting my cooking skills to the test. Of course, like all women do, their boyfriends/ husbands likes and dislikes are put to top priority when comes to cooking. Mine the same. My cooking options evolve around what Tim likes most. Chicken. And Egg.

Cooking Attempt 1:-

Menu: BBQ chicken drumlets with Fu Yong Egg and rice
Outcome: Soggy rice, burnt chicken. The only edible part of the dishes is the Egg! (We ended up eating Mee Goreng (instant noodle) to go with the egg).
Hubby's verdict: "My wife can't cook".

Cooking Attempt 2:- (1 week later after convincing my hubby that the dishes will turn out better than before).

Menu: Spaghetti Hash Brown
Outcome: Perfectly fried golden hash brown with excellently cooked pasta to go along with it.
Hubby's verdict: "Not bad. Hash brown is perfect". (yey!)

Cooking Attempt 3:-

Menu: Fried Rice with chicken, chinese sausage and egg
Outcome: Rice turned out perfect this time (phew!), the entire dish turned out colourful and tasty.
Hubby's verdict: "Try adding more flavours next time". (Don't really know what flavour he meant, but he said something about the flavouring comes in a Maggi packet or something...)

Cooking Attempt 4:-

Menu: Chicken Maryland with French Fries at the side
Outcome: Chicken with bread crumbs toppings fried to crispy perfection, butter garlic gravy turned out delicious, french fries deep fried to perfection.
Hubby's verdict: "Yummm! Nice! Not bad!"

Conclusion: I guess I have to do better in the chinese dishes. I probably score a B+ for my western, a C- for my chinese. I gotta find more recipes! The good news is that my girl friends & I have agreed on having cooking activities every fortnight so that we could learn from each other on how to cook! Awesome idea....I wonder what can they learn from me....

p/s- Sorry no pictures on my dishes. You probably wouldn't want to see it...yet. =)

02 August 2010

All About the Baby

Its August now. 2 more months to go before the little munchkin arrives. Lots of movements within me tummy lately - the baby squirming, poking, kicking and its visible to the eyes too on these movements sometimes (which facinates my hubby)!

Its mega sale in Malaysia now and what a good time to shop for baby stuff. We went to Mid Valley (which is like 5 minutes away from our house) as early as 11am, just to beat the human traffic, but boy were we wrong! There were soooo many people earlier than us! We walked around, trying to get movie tickets for Inception (heard its good!) but mostly sold out, so we ended watching the horrible-disgusting Om Bak 3 and my least-favourite-type-of-movie "Shanghai" as it turn out to be war related. We didn't last long. We left the theatre after 20minutes of the show.

Despite the not-so-worth-it movie marathon, we did end up shopping for baby items and I am extremely delighted with the purchase! We finally got our hands on:-

a) a Peg Perego Pliko 3 baby pram with a matching baby capsule (in black!)
b) a Luciole natural wood colour baby cot
c) a cute little Hoppop Potty (blue in colour)
d) a Hoppop diaper bag
e) A food steamer
f) a bottle Sterilizer
g) Luciole Nursing pillow (its for breast feeding purposes hehe)
h) Luciole Bedding set (blue in colour)
i) a Latex mattress
j) 2 sets of toys (a musical mobile for the baby cot and one to be tied on the pram)
k) a baby art 3D photo frame (Its for us to stamp our baby foot print and hand print on it!)

All come in a package and these will be delivered in 2 weeks time! We've gone past the house-moving project, and now its on the baby!

Luciole baby cot. You can see the little musical mobile toy
hanging at the far end

Our Peg Perego baby pram
(its light and its easy to handle - very important as we will be
flying the baby back with us to Brunei pretty often!)

Didn't take the photo of the actual baby capsule.
But this would give you an idea how it looks like
(the actual fabric is exactly the same as the baby pram)

31 July 2010

White Aussie Singing in Chinese

I came across this video of a white australian girl singing a song in CHINESE! Not bad I tell ya. Check her out!

29 July 2010

New Home + Hospitalization

Thursday. 6 days of staying in my new home...how does it feel? Oh btw, I'm actually blogging in my old Cheras house as my Pantai home has no internet facility yet (let alone a phone line!).

Staying with Tim for the past 1 week has been superb. Despite the fact that I became an overnight perfectionist in wanting everything to be nice, proper and clean in this new house! I'd clean the kitchen whenever I'm back from work, washing the napkins and towels a zillion times, washing and drying our clothes every alternate days, cleaning the floor whenever I see a strand of hair on it, cleaning and wiping the tv console and coffee table everytime I lay my eyes in that living room direction. I just wouldn't sit still until my hubby had to come over and asked me to relax! No one would believe Cindy Wong would do such drastic housework with her bare hands! But believe it... I do now. Maybe because this time, as it is my own home, my brain has implanted this domestic cleaning-freak syndrome within me.

Oh apart from this moving-in news, some of you probably know by now that my beloved brother was hospitalized (3 days after I've moved out of the house!). Bad omen? Nah. I'd call it too-much-coca-cola-and-junk-food factor that caused him to land right into the hospital! On Sunday, when we returned from our family outting in Genting, my brother claimed to have a sudden "cramp" pain at his right abdomen. He thought was just the usual once-in-a-while stomach cramps so he brushed it off. Monday came, and I received a call from my mother to inform me that my brother was hospitalized due to appendicitis!

It was pretty dramatic then as for few hours in HUKM, no one really came to treat my brother despite him being in terrible pain. As I am in the medical assistance industry, my dad called me and asked me for help. Any help. As he was in the government hospital there wasn't much that I could do. My sis-in-law then asked if its possible to transfer him to a private hospital (Gleneagles). However, to transfer him to a private hospital, there must be a doctor at that private hospital who is willing to accept him. I made a quick call to my VP, my company nurse and finally to my company medical director to rope them in for help on my brother's situation and in just less than 5 minutes, my medical director managed to arrange a surgeon and a private ambulance for my brother. What a relief! It certainly helped knowing the right people!

You must be wondering why getting a private ambulance for the transfer when my brother was actually already in the hospital right? Can you believe that HUKM informed my family that they do not have any ambulance facility to transfer my brother out of the hospital??!! To do so, we have to arrange our own ambulance!! So terrible I tell ya! Anyway, that's government hospital for you. Within 15minutes, the paramedics contacted my mobile and I directed them to where my brother was. Thank God my brother was immediately transferred to Gleneagles and a surgery was scheduled the very next morning.

The surgery was successful last Tuesday and my brother was discharged this afternoon. Good news for him: He gets to loose weight this time round! ^_^

Thank you to all who wished him a speedy recovery. He'll recover real soon (I'm sure!).

22 July 2010

2 more days....to 24th July 2010

Reality is starting to sink in. 2 more days to go and I will have a new place to call home.

My hubby and I are rather fortunate to have both side of our parents assisting us. From overseeing the renovation and moving in of furnitures, to cooking essentials and last minute household repairs. The Bruneians and the Cherasians met up again today at our new home and had a pre-openning moving in party with a basket of durians! It is supposed to be our (my hubby and I) joy of moving-in, but it turned out that our parents are more excited than we are! How cool is that?! Its good to see the four of them together this afternoon again as the last time they had a get-together with a basket of durian was at my parents house discussing about Tim and my wedding and that was in...wait....end of 2008!

There are still alot more to be done to beautify the new place but I guess all these can wait after I deliver. No more mama's little girl from this Saturday onwards. I will be the queen of the house!

Note: "Queen" is an overstatement. I think I'll be more of a domestic slave ... cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing... thank goodness I only need to do all these for 3 months before our maid arrives! 

Did I mention we applied for Astro? Can you believe that Astro's installation can only be done in 4 - 5 weeks time from the day we applied for it??! How ridiculous! But that was what I was told by the customer service rep over the phone yesterday. We've heard so many complaints about them, especially on the Astro Byond's installation recently, I hope I won't suffer the same fate! If I do, I'll make sure everyone hears of it!

Lets see how everything goes. I hope Astro would give me a pleasant experience as a NEW subscriber...

P/S - Happy birthday to my mummy! Remembered it this morning, forgotten it this afternoon, remembered it again this evening. Sorry mummy! But I'm glad to be the first to sing you early this morning! =D

18 July 2010

One More Week Before the Big Move In

In a week's time, my hubby and I will be moving in to our new HOME. For the past weeks, we have been busy  - hubby busy building his "empire" at work whilst I, being the organized, creative freako, took the responsibility of making sure our home looks perfect to us. Thank goodness for my hubby's flexibility, he could hop over to our house to make sure things are ok as and when I need him to, whenever I cannot get off work in between the working hours.

This afternoon, we arranged cleaners to clean the entire house today. The house was a mess initially but when we came back to pick them up 5 hours later, the whole house turned sparkling clean! Like magic! We can't wait to move in - our favourite spot in the house: The big cozy balcony that faces the reserved forest and most importantly we get to escape the massive peak hour Cheras traffic!

Furnitures will be delivered on Tuesday and Wednesday and there are still a few more small tiny items yet to be completed and we all hope it could be done before next Saturday! (If it doesn't, I'm going to give the contractor another round of lecture! You wouldn't want to mess with pregger ladies I tell ya. We have short fuse you know).

My MIL will be flying down with her maid tomorrow to do another round of cleaning for the next few days for us before they both return to Brunei, whilst my parents are preparing all the cookery stuff for the big moving-in ceremony next Saturday. They are doing this for the love of their children - US! We absolutely love our parents very much. What would we do without them??!

This post is specially dedicated to our Mom, Dad (The Ngs and the Wongs): Tim and I love you very very much. Thank you for doing this for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

13 July 2010

Weekend Chores

I missed going to work. You must be thinking , "ARE YOU SERIOUS???!" Guess its true. Had it not been my head spinning around when I woke up at 6 this morning with the little baby taking constant free kicks in my tummy at the same time and my legs somehow felt numb from the night-cramps (both legs this time!), I would have been in the office right about this time. I'll just take this day-off (or what we normally term it as MC) to relax and chill at home after a long tiresome-but-fruitful weekend. This is the time where I really wish I could go for a nice Thai massage where I would ask them to go straight to my legs, massage it like the hamburger-way, and pour hot stinging oil on it to burn the cramps away!

Last weekend with my MIL was awesome. We began our day at 9.30am after breakfast by heading straight to the new crib. We were dissappointed as there were few things the contractor has yet to complete. By the current state of it, we are now worried if the contractor would ever be able to finish his job on time and if we would be able to move in on July 24th as scheduled. We gave the contractor an ultimatum and he promised all will be completed by then (fingers' crossed!!).

We then drove to Harvey Norman at Ikano P.C. to arrange the delivery of our new washing machine, dryer and fridge. All to be delivered by 20th of this month. We then walked over to MACY to shop for new beds for the guest room and the maid's room. We found what we liked and with the sales lady throwing in some good discounts for us, the sales of the 2 items were completed in less than an hour!

After lunch, we soldiered on with our to-do-shopping list. We drove out of Ikano and head over to LC Lighting Centre which is situated at Jalan Semangat, PJ. As we have specific taste on the lightings design, we found what we wanted and the sales person Mr Adwin frantically piling up the boxes of lights according to our demand. Yes, we were pretty demanding then...especially when comes to asking for free gifts (we are Chinese afterall) and we managed to squeeze FIVE (5) energy-saving light bulbs from them for FREE! Whoo hoo! 

             Our Philips Lighting. After a long search, I finally found it!

After a good 2 hours of "hanging out" at the lighting store, our next shopping list was on bed linens. We drove back to the Gardens and went straight to Robinsons. They were having pretty good sales right up to 70%!! So we purchased 2 sets of quilts (one for queen and one for king), 2 sets of quilt-cover and sheets (450 thread count each - I just learnt this haha. The higher thread count, the softer it is), 2 sets of single bed-sheets, 2 soft woolly-cotton blankets and 6 pieces of "best buy" towels! By the way, did you know, Robinsons have porter service? I asked our sales lady if they could deliver what we purchased to our hotel in Boulevard (just like in those Hollywood movies) and to my surprise she said yes! This little Bangladeshi man was called up and he packed our newly purchased items into 6 humongous plastic bags and sent it straight to our hotel room at the Boulevard Hotel. So like Beverly Hills!

Time checked: 7.00pm.  A good 10 hours of completing our chores in just one day. Not bad I must say. =)

Till my next post....hopefully our long-awaited crib will be completed on time!

03 July 2010

Pregnancy Cramps - Horrible!

2 days ago I experienced my first terrible leg cramp in the wee hours of the morning...halfway through my wonderful sleep... That pain was excruciating! It started out by giving you a warning, it will jerk you up, then as the pain grew you'd start to do everything you can to make it go away..hysterically! I tried to straightened up my left leg (no it got worse), then push down my feet (it got even worse), pull it up (it got terribly horribly excruciatingly painful), pulling it (like how footballers do it when they have cramps) but it just didnt work! I screamed in darkness holding up my calf wishing it to be cut off! In the middle of my scream, I yanked my husband but all I could hear was...his snoring.

Just like an economic scale, once the pain reached its peak, it sored down to rest. I relaxed. But I could not sleep anymore. It was 6am then and 10 more minutes for me to wake up  to get ready for work. The pain was so great that I had a hard time walking as I could still feel the soreness on my left calf. It didnt go off only until after breakfast (which was like 3 hours later)!

I heard about pregnancy cramps and such, and this type of cramps would be one that I do not wish to encounter again. Last night, it almost occured again. The warning came. But thankfully this time, I had a pillow stuffed under my legs as I sleep, so I managed to avoid the full cramp pain from happening again.

(Thanks Mary for giving me this tip! It really helps!) :D

Gosh...will the cramp happen again tonight? I really dont want it to!! Do I have to go through this for the next 4 months? =(

01 July 2010

Furnitures Dilemma?!

1st July 2010. This is going to be a very very very important month for both Tim and I. Why? Its because we will be moving out and staying on our own at Bangsar South City. I reckon this month will pass by real fast and my anxieties are building up due to few matters:-

a) I cannot be involved in the moving of furnitures.
New furnitures are scheduled to move in on 21st July. I won't be there to witness it. Or rather, I CAN'T be there to witness it. Not that I'm being superstitious or being traditionally hindered by pregnancy myths and what not. Its because practically everyone especially my mother and grandmother specifically forbid me to be involved. Good for me? Not entirely... cuz I am one that has the eye of creativity (or I think I do) and I think I have the in-born talent in knowing perfectly well how and where the furniture would be best placed in a house =) and on 21st July, I wont be there to direct the process!

b) Dining Table & Chairs from Brunomenzi
Apart from the rest of the furnitures that comes from Cellini, our mahogany dining table & chairs are ordered directly from Brunomenzi's magazine. Yes! From the magazine! As there wasn't one in the showroom, our dear capable saleslady Ms Emily showed us the picture of this dining table and chairs that best suit our taste. And by the look of the picture, in less than a minute, we placed the order! It is beautiful. But.... now that I think of it, will a 1500mm diameter table (5 feet) fit our 1400 sq.ft home? What if the place that we planned to place our dining table can't fit this table? What if the 6 pieces of dining chair makes the whole house seems smaller than it is? What if its too chunky? There's so many what ifs!

c) Baby crib, Baby pram, Baby stuffs
We haven't bought any of these essential items yet. I'm now in my 5 months pregnancy, what if my stomach gets too big for me to shop later on? Oh dear!

Ok... I think I sounded too pessimistic or rather overly-worried-for-nothing. By the way, did I mentioned that I had a weird dream last night about me picking my dog's eye out? Eww...

24 June 2010

World Cup Fever + Preggers Syndrome + Papa's Birthday!

I am in a real sleepy mode. And I mean EXTREMELY SLEEPY MODE....zzzZzzzz....

If there is a bed next to me, I would have jumped in, close my eyes and dream away. All this is caused by the World Cup fever where England (moi team) played against Slovenia last night and I was happily celebrating their 1-0 win against the latter. Now that they are through to the next round facing Germany, I wonder what will happen next to this team. So far they have been playing terribly, Wayne Rooney not at his best and John Terry acted as if he knows how to manage his team better than his manager (he can't even manage his domestic life, let alone a whole football squad!).

Oh well, enough of WC. My new crib is amost 90% ready and it is time to get the furnitures in. We have exactly 1 month from now before the scheduled moving-in date (yes... we are moving in on July 24th!). Not just the furnitures, we haven't even purchase anything for the baby yet, although Tim and I are kinda excited with the prospect of welcoming our first child together in 4 months time!

Despite my baby bump showing quite visibly now, I have a bloated face too. And my feet...gosh I have to wear 1 size bigger as my sandals are getting tighter as the day goes by. Water retention or is it just pure fat??!! Thank goodness my arms and legs are still quite on the norm side. Mark my words: I am definitely heading straight to the slimming centre right after confinement!

Here's a chronology of my preggers symptom:-

Month 1 - 3 : Vomitting, Nausea, absolutely terrible
Month 4: Hunger
Month 5: Backache, lethargic, old-woman syndrome (the difficulty of getting up once you lie down on the bed), baby kicks

I am in my 21 weeks now. I wonder how Month 6 is like? Let's wait and see....

Oh did I mention my father celebrated his 60th birthday last Saturday? We had an awesome party (not for me that is.. I meant for the oldies haha as we set up a karaoke machine and the old folks partied away at our garden and later on we set up an old style outdoor Cinema atmosphere at our garden where we played Comedy Court on the tv where they laughed till the clock striked midnight!). What a cool way to end my father's birthday in 2010.

Happy Birthday Papa and many more years to come!

27 May 2010

Eve of Turning a Year 'Younger'

Its 18:11 now and in another 6 hours time, yours truly will be turning a year younger. Its great to be able to celebrate my birthday in another country especially when the weather is between 7 to 18 degrees celcius!

As Im typing here, with a cup of hot green tea next to me, I'm having a slight backache. Must be due to too much walking and too much shopping I suppose haha!

We have been doing alot of walking, window shopping, eating, eating and lots of eating. Today, on the eve of my birthday, my MIL and I travelled to Fremantle to savour the great delicacies from the sea. We had a really awesome lunch at Cicerello's by the harbour front. Despite the occasional showers, we dined in and after lunch we took a drive to Market Street for some window shopping.

At Market Street there is this cafe called Chocolate San Churro - a Spanish inspired cafe (I think... from the setting, posters and the name itself) where they sell long twisting potato breadstick (they call it "Churros") and you eat it by dipping it in either dark chocolate/ white chocolate sauce. Its soooo delicious!! It actually taste like our local yaw char kueh, only that its skinnier and less oily. If only they open a franchise outlet in KL!

Before heading home, we stopped by at Coles (something like our Cold Storage) for some grocerry shopping. Did I tell you my MIL is an awesome cook? We had a great time travelling around with the aid of our Garmin GPS. Another girl's day-out tomorrow again and this time we will be heading to Northbridge!

Till then... gonna wait for my hubby to call me from Newcastle. Lets see if he remembers what day is tomorrow. If he doesn't.... he's gonna get some real spanking from me when he gets back!

Below are some pictures for your viewing pleasure =)

Harbour view

Night view (picture courtesy from google images)

We had this little pager thing given to us whilst we wait for our order to be ready. When the food is ready, the pager will vibrate and lights will flash around it - this is a sign where they tell you to go and collect your food at the counter! How fascinating!

Churros with chocolate dipping sauce
(picture courtesy from google images)

p/s- I didnt bring my camera cable, hence I had to rely on the pictures that are available on the net for the time being until I can replace it with my own when I return home!

24 May 2010

Hello Perth!

Felt so surreal! Just barely 2 weeks of planning a holiday in Perth, here I am right here in Perth itself!

Tim and I parted yesterday at the same time (he headed to Gate C4 that marked "London", whilst I to Gate 27 that marked "Perth"). I had a great time travelling in MH125! The boeing 777 was pretty empty, thus I had the whole seat to myself. =)

After 5 hours of flying time, I finally arrived in Perth. After collecting my luggage, I was directed to the green lane (phew! I didnt have to open up my luggage for inspection! Not that I have anything illegal in it *wink* and besides, a cute little custom dog did come and sniff my luggage). Outside, I was greeted warmly by my MIL and SIL. After stepping out of the airport, my first sentence in Perth was "WOW!! I LOVEE THIS WEATHER!!" At 18 degrees celcius, it was fabulous!

My SIL drove us home in her Honda Jazz and along the way, my MIL became my tour guide, explaining bits and pieces about Perth and the names of some of the buildings. The best view throughout the journey was of course the Swan River. Halfway through our journey, we stopped at the jetty of BayView Terrace for some quick cam-whoring moments. It was pretty windy then, my MIL was almost shivering in cold, whilst I (without wearing any thick jacket) acted like a jakun, enjoying the cold air like I've never experience before...(typical Malaysian)...

The sky turned dark at about 5pm and we had our dinner at an Italian restaurant called Tiamo at Hampden Rd, Nedlands. Savouring the delicious lamb ravioli, pastas and cheese cakes, it was the perfect way to end my first day in Perth.

                                     Swan River

                     Tiamo Cafe' Restaurant, Hamden Rd, Nedlands, Perth
                     (I like the setting! Its nice & cozy)

13 May 2010

Impending Motherhood

My mood for blogging is back... I do apologize for the long absence in the web arena (except of course I am still active in FB)   =)

I guess by now, everyone that knows me or knows Tim, or knows my family, or my in-laws, already heard the news that I'm carrying the heir or the heiress of the NG family of Brunei. It's coming to the fourth month now and impending motherhood is kicking in slowly but surely.

How different do I feel, you asked? Well, let me disclose my experience of what I have / had gone through for the 1st 3 months (note: every symptoms differ from each individual. From the scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the easiest, suffer-free symptom, mine probably ranked no.3!) :-

1st Month - 4th week
I did my own home PT just for the fun of it when I realized my monthly strawberry jam cycle was delayed. Sit on the wc, peed in a paper cup, dipped the test strip....waited....and then.... 1st line appeared...then a faded 2nd line appeared visibly in slow motion. I openned my eyes wider then squinted it smaller and looked at it again (OMG!) Showed Tim the test strip and he couldn't stop smiling when I told him what it could mean. It was a picture perfect moment! Too bad I didnt snap a photo of his face then!

5th March, we went to the clinic and did another urine test, this time, the Dr confirmed the result and congratulated us (double OMG!). But we decided not to let anyone know yet as it was still at an early stage. Of course both our parents were the first to know about the result!

2nd Month - 6th week
The sickness began. Note, I do not have morning sickness. Instead, I had MORNING, AFTERNOON and NIGHT sickness. It was H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E! Whatever I ate, I'd throw up 5 minutes after I finished a meal. And then I'd get hungry again. So I had to eat AGAIN. Then I threw up AGAINN! This process repeated for at least 5 times a day. Sometimes it gets so bad that the nauseatic feeling would wake me up middle of night and I had to run to the toilet!

This went on every single day until I reached week 12th (3rd Month).

3rd Month - 12th week
Visited my gynae (Dr Yap, one of the founder of Fetal Medicine & Gynaecologist Centre and an obstetrician in Pantai Bangsar) and had my second scan with Tim by my side. He wasn't with me when I did my first scan with Dr Yap. So during this 2nd scan, Tim was so excited to see his little baby for the first time, lying on his/her back with his/her eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands and legs properly formed in my womb. I became an instant celebrity amongst his peers and his staff as he cheeringly broadcasted to everyone he knows about his pregger wife and showed them the picture of his baby (in the womb).

Next week 18th May, I will have to go for my next scan and it will be exactly week no.16 then. 5 more months to go and a halloween baby will be born (that is if the baby comes out exactly on the date due).

What a complete change of events. I remembered this time last year, I was busy preparing for the wedding, selection of wedding gowns, photographers...etc. This time, it is the selection of maids, confinement ladies, baby cot and pram!

Busy year for the Wong and the Ng family that's for sure!

18 April 2010

Its Renovation Time!

Its the usual weekend again... and I'm loving it!

Do you know the difference between a condominium and a condovilla? I was told that our new home is actually a condovilla and not a condominium. Hmm...condovilla... it does have a nice sound to it (makes us feel like we are staying in some islandic location) but due to its moorish style built-up, we felt like we are in Spain! (right...Cindy is being dramatic again...)

I'm already counting down the days when we can move in. Renovation has started and yesterday, we went tiles shopping. I never took any interest of it until yesterday. There were so many designs, styles, characteristic & brands! My FIL being the expert in this area advised me on what brands to pick and finally we settled on:-

a)White Horse Ceramic for the kitchen (double coloured wall tiles brown + white with simetric border design and matching brown floor tiles) - since we have a light maple brown built-in kitchen cabinet, we chose a matching wall and floor colour for it (Dad, did I mention the colour of the cabinet correctly? I'm still unfamiliar with these colour names - wood comes in soooo many variety of colours!);

b) Guocera Tiles for the guest washroom (whitish blue wall tiles and blue floor tiles to match with the existing blue mosaic feature wall), and

c) White Horse Ceramic for the master washroom (double coloured wall tiles white + grey and matching grey floor tiles to match with the existing multi-coloured mosaic shower feature wall).

I couldn't find the exact tiles that I have picked (but these pictures would give you some idea about my descriptions above). Lets just wait and see how it all will turn out in the end. The living room and bedroom tiles have already been selected . What else have we left out? The balcony...!

Tiles shopping can be fun! Home furnishing would probably be better! After the reno is complete, it will be furniture shopping time!

11 April 2010

I Will Follow You - by The Nobodies

The video below is strictly not for commercial use. Song is sung by amateurs (for fun only) in conjuction with the upcoming IAG Forum Kuala Lumpur April 2010. We do not intend to sell, distribute nor make any profits from this song/ video. Its only a parody... :)

Lead Singer wannabe: Lorraine
Guitarist wannabe: Esther
Pianist wannabe: Cindy Koo
Back-up Singers wannabe: Cindy Wong & June Ng
Music Director: Cindy Wong
Location of practice: In our office

10 April 2010

I'm Back!

Gosh! I think this is the longest period ever for not updating my blog. The truth is, for the past few weeks, i do not have the tiniest interest of wanting to login into the cyberspace.. I wonder why...

This is going to be a short note, as I know I would have lots to talk about 2 weeks from now. Now is just not the right time yet :) So, be patient, and I'll fill you in with the details :D

Renovation of our new home in Andalucia starting this Monday and the contractor and my FIL predicted it will not be another 3 months before we can move in. As I sit here in my room, thinking about my family, in few months time, I will be living on my own with my hubby. 29 years of being together with my parents and my brother, and now the thought of moving out seems pretty surreal. Ok ok.. i'm being emo here.. but I am definitely going to miss them. Us in Bangsar, them in Cheras...wow. I have to start washing my own clothes now. Buying my own breakfast. Cooking my own dinner. CLEANING THE HOUSE! Damn! I need a maid...

Another good piece of news that was given to me couple of days ago and this time it involves money. I love my job, thats all i can say :) Thank you boss!

Till my next rant... get ready for the next big news in my next post. Ciou!

27 March 2010


I know.. I know.. I should be blogging more.. been having some stomach discomfort lately and all I wanted to do was just to lie down and not do anything (besides picking up my Jeffrey Archer novel and being submerged in his thrilling fantasies). Is this what you call as the "missing-him" syndrome when your life partner is away for a week?
Not anymore I hope cuz at 8.30am this morning Tim got back home from India safe and sound! Dressed in his new Indian cricket jersey and black sunnies, my little baby is back in one piece! Like some dramatic Indian tv drama, we crooned lovingly, hugged & kissed...(Tim was only away for 7 days but it made us feel like we've parted for 7 years!)

He filled me in about his experience in India, showing me excitedly on the things he bought from that country (some muruku, salted cashew nuts, muesli bars, and an Air Supply cd! My right eyebrow raised automatically at his new 'gifts'...hmm... well, thats cute! I love cashew nuts!) . Despite the hot weather and the dusty environment, he said that being where he is, having what he has, made him appreciate things a little more than before. That's good to know! From the photos he took, India seems pretty all right, about the same as what we see from Slumdog Millionaire. But the only thing that he didn't like was (besides the dust and the weather) that they sell only VEGETARIAN food! (For the sake of my other readers who do not know Tim that well, Tim only eats CHICKEN and EGG. Vegetables, pork, beef, lamb, fish and him dont see eye to eye, or rather mouth to mouth). There's nothing much he could do but to just adjust his diet...reluctantly.

Its good to have him back. The missing-him syndrome is finally cured! The next trip he goes (if its out of Asia), I'm definitely tagging along for sure!

No Chicken...No Egg...


20 March 2010

Just Chillin`

Its 9.34am. Saturday. 20th March 2010.

Happy birthday Ee Ling! My dear friend of 20 years is celebrating her youthful birthday today and I wish her well and many more to come!

Guess I'm trying to figure out what else to blog as I'm sitting in this nice cozy bedroom at the Gardens Hotel all by myself as my hubby has left for work and will only be back in 4 hours time.

Tim will be flying to India for a week on a business trip and I will be stuck alone, entertaining myself with Idols, Idols, and more Idol show. I've missed a week of the Idol performances (my office work has been hectic of late + the fact that we've been recuperating our energy in this hotel for the past 2 days) and I am indeed looking forward to head home later this afternoon.

Have you watched Alice in Wonderland ? Johnny Depp is pretty good. Anne Hathaway's make-up was horrendous (her lipstick colour made her lips looked 10x swollen), Mia Wasikowska - never seen her before - was just ok, nothing fantastic. The rest of the casts looked colourful. The only thing that kept me excited about watching the whole movie was Alice's wardrobe style. Her on screen dresses/ outfit were absolutely stunning! Overall...I'll give this movie a 6 out of 10. I was expecting to watch a remake of the original Alice in Wonderland storyline (as per the story book) but it wasn't. Its a story about Alice who grew up and revisited the Wonderland again (she totally forgotten that she been there before when she was younger)...

Go watch it and tell me what you think of it. Some say its boring. I'd say, its just all right.

This outfit transformed when she was in a giant size
and transformed again when she shrunk into a miniature ant size

13 March 2010

Chicken and Duck Talking

Have you ever talked to someone for 2 whole hours, almost in a heated debate, trying to make the other understand what you were trying to convey? After a whole 2 hours you finally gave up as you realized you were involved in a chicken and duck kinda conversation?

One, I dont speak much mandarin, maybe my cantonese is still ok (though some words i still get abit out of tune) but my English is my forte no doubt. The other party, obviously his mandarin is his best, but perhaps he was trying to show how professional he is, tried to speak to me in English (broken) the whole time despite me trying to cut him some slack by conversing in cantonese just to help him out...but he still conversed in English. I guess I have to give him some credit for trying though...

Me: No... that is not what I meant...

Him: But you have to tell me your budget. Honestly speak, no budget cannot done.

Me: Ok very simple. Just quote reasonable price. 

Him: Honestly speak, we are simple people. We try helpful people.
 If we cannot done, means we tell you, cannot done.

Me: Ok. Fifty Thousand budget. Can?

Him: No. Fifty Thousand cannot do. Must tell what you want.

Me: But you ask me for my budget, I give you my budget la. 50K. No?

Him: No. Must tell me what budget you want.

Me: (scratching my head)...Ok lah. I think i know what you mean.
 I will go home and consider ok? Thank you ah....

Oh well, he is still a nice guy...maybe I was the one that confused him and not the other way round...I wonder would sign language help?...

06 March 2010

American Idol Season 9 - Top 20 (Week 2)

Another week another elimination (4 eliminations to be exact).

American Idol Top 20 this week showcased 10 boyz and 10 girls belt their hearts out in front of millions of viewers. Just like my previous post, you probably would realize by now, every week I would be posting about the Idol contestants, featuring one contestant whom is/was the best for the week - best for me that is!

This week's elimination round, we saw the following 4 contestants got booted out from the Idol camp:-

Michelle Delamor (no big surprise here from the way she sang this week);

Haeley Vaughn (someone who tried to look sweet week after week - guess she tried TOO hard);

Jermaine Sellers (surprise surprise. During the audition round, he was considered a good contender for the Idol crown! But lately, he seems like a nobody. Can't really remember him or his performance);

John Park (besides his body, nothing else is good, so not really a surprise that he is out!)

Siobhan Magnus

Ok...ok ... these 4 contestants are not whom I want to feature in my post here. This week's Idol highlight for me is SIOBHAN MAGNUS. I do agree with the judges' comment on Siobhan and at the same time I dont quite agree about some parts of it. Let me tell you why:-

I agree: when Simon commented that she is "a funny little thing" and interesting.
Something about Siobhan makes me want to know more about her. She seems like a simple, unique & cool kinda girl. But weird in a way. However, when she openned her mouth to sing Aretha's song "THINK" and when she hit the crazy high note, I was like...OMG!!!!!!! WOW!!!!

I disagree: the judges didnt think Siobhan was the best performer for the night, I strongly and totally disagree with them. Siobhan was the best and I hope she can pull-off another amazing performance next week!

Its going to be Top 16 next week. Who can pull it off? Who will collapse through the mounting pressure? We shall wait and see...

For more information, log on to http://www.americanidol.com/