16 August 2010

Week 30

2 posts in a row for this week - just for my ardent readers/ followers. =)

The earlier one was about my overly promoted butter chicken dish. But of course, some of you would want to know how I am coping with my pregnancy and all.... well, for one, I'm in my Week 30! 10 more weeks to go before I cry in labour pain? Exciting or scaaaryy? Take a guess.

My tummy is getting bigger and bigger and that is what everyone seems to be telling me. Its like an overnight balloon. One thing for sure, they told me it will get even bigger in my 8th month!! This morning as I looked into the mirror, I realized how fat I looked. Not just looking fat, I feel fat too. Sigh. Well, thank goodness for my hubby who constantly tell me how beautiful I look and his constant touch on my tummy (besides the occasional jabbing and rocking my tummy just to intentionally make the baby kick inside in retaliation) I would have been in distress - psychologically. Looking at the yoga pamphlets that comes to my possession seems tempting and I've made up my mind to sign up for it as soon as I've delivered! - if that's possible.

Like any maternity/ nesting instinct, I willl be packing my bags soon - who knows the baby might decide to say hello to this world earlier than scheduled? Will see how it goes... as my doc told me from this month onwards, I will be seeing her every fortnight now instead of the usual monthly check-ups. Time is getting nearer and nearer... I could just feel it...

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