27 October 2010

7days old Baby Hayden

Today marks the 7th day since our little prince was born. Everyday has been fantastic for us -
we get to see him sleep soundly, see him smile as if little angels are talking to him in his dream, frown when he poo poo, mouth open wide searching frantically for the tip that stores his mother's milk, cry when he's too hungry or just want a cuddle.

Tim adores his son and he would cradle him and comfort him (apparently babies love it when we caress & tap lightly on their back). What tickle me most was that last night Tim had a 'man-to-man' talk with his son on the bed. I didn't really hear what their conversation was, but I heard something about girls and women! And Hayden just continued to
stare at his daddy cluelessly...hmm... (I rolled my eyes at Tim).

We took our little prince for his 1st weekly check up and a blood test was done. The lab doctor pricked the sole of his foot to get some blood out. Baby Hayden cried only for about 20seconds or so during the whole process! Such a brave little kid! (there was this other baby
before him who cried the whole time right till they were out of the clinic!) I smiled as I did that little comparison in my head. Guess it's a mother's nature to want to compare and
feel proud of her child eh? :D

Tim & I continue to have this invisible love bonding for this child. Sometimes I secretly wish our baby remains a baby. Its really nice to cradle him in my arms and caress his angelic face! Being a mother is a wonderful feeling (despite having to wake up during wee hours in the morning to feed the little munchkin). I've learnt to change his diapers, next I will have to learn how to bath him! Seeing how the nanny does it, it really does require a bit of skill I tell ya!

Till my next post...

23 October 2010

Post Surgery

It's time for us to be discharged from the hospital today. Little Hayden is well and is currently at the nursery. I miss him. I truly understand how a mother feels about her child now.

Last night my Hubby came around midnight again to check in on us. We both slept on the hospital bed watching Hayden sleeping and twitching in his little plastic cot. Whenever he open his eyes, we'll go "ohh he is opening his eyes now!". Whenever he yawn we'll go "awww so cute!!!" Whenever he makes his little baby sound we both would giggle. How wonderful this feeling is. The arrival of Hayden is really a blessing for us as a family.

Post Surgery - The Side Effect:-

1. They cut me open at the bikini line. I could stand up and walk on my own the next day itself so it's good! But I can't stand for too long though...

2. No back pain no epidural side effect. Thank God! Dr Jam did a wonderful job!

3. Peeing is possible but as I reach the end of my bladder release, the uterus contracts thus
I could feel the prickly painful sensation at the wound area. It's normal apparently according to my doc.

4. Overall, C section is all right. But if u want to experience labour pain, go ahead. It is
an experience you will never forget. Plus with your Hubby right next to you, seeing you in pain and he can't do anything bout it, makes him cherish you more! :D

Anyhow, seeing a new born child coming out from your body, his cries filling up the room, the softness of his face when you kiss him...it's a whole new joy for me. I thank God everyday for blessing us with this wonderful & beautiful baby boy.

My little darling is awake now. The nurses brought him back to me. Time to breast feed the little munchkin. Till then...

21 October 2010

Baby Hayden

My baby, our prince, our little darling has finally arrived!

20102010 what a date! God has certainly blessed us with this new born child. It was an amazing & unforgettable experience for Tim & I - Tim got to watch the birth of his son right before his eyes, whilst I got the first hand experience of going through labour pain before going under the knife:-

1pm - contraction was getting a little more intense. My doc came to check on my cervix. I was traumatized again as she inserted her fingers (& forcefully try to check the opening of my cervix). I was in total agony as I grabbed the nurse and yelled in pain. I was told that my cervix was still at 1cm and it was not a good sign basing on my contraction intensity and the bloody discharge. I was given 2 options then. To wait for few more hours & see if my cervix is properly dilated or not (for natural birth my cervix will have to be 10cm wide) or to go for the C section... I chose the 1st option.

2pm- the contraction pain got stronger at every 3 minutes. I was in agony. I couldnt sit up or walk to the toilet anymore. It was horrible. The pain was absolutely horrible! The nurses came and my doc was informed of my condition. Looking at the intensity of my contraction and my cervix dilation, it left us with only 1 option...

2.30pm- I was wheeled in to the labour suite... I was scheduled for a C section at 4.30pm. At that moment I wished I could turn the earth (like how superman did) to speed up the time as my contraction was getting unbearable.

4pm - I was taken to the operating theatre. Tim followed in. I was given epidural by a very cheerful & friendly anesthetist Dr Jamsari. My doc held my hand the whole time calming me down whenever the wave of contraction pain floods in. Was the epidural injection painful? Well, to me it was the best feeling ever! The contraction pain was so overwhelming that other pain felt like ant bites to me. As soon as the epidural was injected behind my back, the pain vanished. I became slightly 'high' (like drunk high) and my lower limbs turned jelly. Time to cut me open now!

4.30pm - Tim came into the OT dressed in a surgeon gown with a surgical mask on (I thought he
was one of the surgeon until he came to me and said "hi babyyy!". I smiled.

4.45pm - the sound of a baby crying filled the room... "CONGRATULATIONS!! you got one healthy
little baby boy!" my doc told us. I looked at Tim and he couldn't stop smiling... (he recorded the whole process on our camera).

When they brought the baby to me I was speechless. I kept kissing his face and just wanted to hold him tight next to me. What a beautiful sight! It is certainly the best day of my life.

Tim, our little prince and myself took our 1st family group photo whilst I was being stitched on...what an incredible experience!

Hayden Dominic Ng. You are truly a blessing and our gift from God. Mummy & daddy loves you very very much!

20 October 2010


I've always wondered how does contraction feels like. Different people shares different experience and I'm gonna tell you what mine feels like!

The contraction currently coming in pretty regularly now as I'm lying down on my back. It feels like your stomach gets tighten up, invisible hand pushing your stomach down slowly till your lower back hurts. During this time your stomach would be as hard as a rock! Also you would be getting lower pressure pain just like when you have period cramps!

The 'bloody show' has already started. This means I'm having some blood discharge and my gynae came to check on me. Again she inserted her fingers in me and I yelp in pain! My cervix is only 1cm big now. But the baby's head is more prominantly pushing through already. Anyhow still gotta wait a little while more longer...

And my Hubby is gonna buy me double cheese burger for lunch. My last mcD before the 30 days Ginger diet torture begins.

At the Hospital

I'm currently lying down on the hospital bed. My Hubby has just left for work after spending a night here with me (we slept on the small hospital bed together). Sound sweet eh? It does feel comforting actually to have your partner hugging you when you are in pain!

Last night was another experience for me as I was strapped on with a belt on my belly to monitor the contraction and to hear the baby's heartbeat through a CTG monitor. Then after about an hour later the nurse came in with a message, "ok ms wong, it's time to induce you"....I looked over at my husband and he was already snoring away (at this time he was sleeping on a deck chair next to me).

The nurse had to insert the medicine in with her fingers in you-know-where! Felt so violated all in one day! sigh...
I slept on...but not very well actually because I could feel the contraction once a while and it was reaaalllyyy uncomfortable!

What's next? Well...my doc will be coming in later to check on me. When is she gonna break the water? I don't know...I'm just counting down the hours now...

19 October 2010

Tomorrow - D Day!

Just a short note.... the title says it all. Yup. Its tomorrow. 20.10.2010.

I just got back from my routine gynae check and it is just like any other normal check.

Urine - Normal

Weight - Normal

Blood Pressure - High

Dr Yap: Your blood pressure is slightly on the high side.
Please take off your pants and I will have to examine your cervix

Me: Huh? Oh..

****Dr inserted her finger into you-know-where****

Me: owww!!!

Dr Yap: Sorry.. please relax... just relax.... okay...
I can feel the head..... relax......

Me: Is the contraction 10 times worst than this feeling???
(silly question but it was rather painful to be honest when she poked me)

Dr Yap: Cindy... guess what? You will have a 20.10.2010 baby!
I will have to check you in tonight midnight and will have to induce you.... break your water
....... (everything goes blurry now... I can't remember her other sentences....)

Me: Huh?? What?? Doc? Tomorrow?? TOMORROW????????????

Dr Yap: Yes Cindy. Your blood pressure is rather on the high side,
we do not want any complication if you are to wait any longer....


.... My dear readers. I'm scared. I'm really really really scared.......

05 October 2010

Week 36 - 37

As my Hubby is driving me home right now I thought I would just pen down my preggy syndrome thus far...

I just visited my gynae and she did something that was out of my expectation (I have been well prepared with my constant research on what to expect in my pregnancy weeks - so u know). As I lie on my back for the usual check up, she came to my belly and started holding it with both hands and pressed it down! I was like whooaaa!! Slow down doc! I though she could be crushing the baby but I was just overly worried for nothing. She explained that she wanted to feel the baby's head to see where his currect position is. And the good news is that the baby's head has moved towards my pelvis! So according to my doc, it's anytime now!!

What I need to watch out in these few days/weeks:-
a) if there's any bloody discharge
b) water leaking
c) contractions - my belly will become rock solid when it happens

Today's check-up included a swab test too (which is norm at this stage). It's a papsmear test in case you are wondering. Rm70 for this to be done. Plus the weekly consultation rm90 per visit (for less than 10min chatting) gynaecologist can really earn big bucks! Boy, being
pregnant is really expensive. Why did I study law instead of medicine? Hmm...

Anyways, my belly is getting heavier everday and walking seems to take alot more effort now. Couple with the on and off Braxton hicks I'm getting, this little munchkin is like trying to me, "I wanna get out!"

Yes, my darling.., mummy n daddy are waiting for your arrival too :)