18 August 2010

Final Trimester

2 nights back I had a wonderful sleep. I gloated about it. I was delighted...because it doesn't come that often these days. As I'm now entering my final trimester, I constantly wonder what are the new symptoms that I would be facing. A good note of advice to all my pregger frens who have yet to reach the stage of where I am currently at, do lots of research/ read up on pregnancy and what to expect on your weekly progress. My favourite site is  www.babycenter.com as I get to subscribe to its newsletter and constant updates on my pregnancy details (a general idea of how my baby developes) would be sent over via email to me every week. Its good to know what to expect!

This week as I enter my final trimester, occasional heartburn and haemorrhoids take center stage now and indeed I am suffering from the slight discomfort (pain at times) at my buttock! Apparently my growing uterus contributed to the haemorrhoid and that these swollen blood vessels in the rectal area are common during pregnancy. I am no stranger to this "rectal nut" as back in 2007 I was wheeled into the surgery room to have it removed. Now that its back, I wonder will I need to remove it again and will it ever give me problems when its time for me to give a hard "push" on 31st October??!

I pray for a normal and safe delivery.... pray for me too my dear frens. As the little munchkin is getting more and more active inside me, it gives me the reality goosebumps that I am going to be a mom soon!

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