22 November 2010

Freedom After 30days!

What do you do when you are given your well deserved freedom after having endured long 'heavy' months of carrying a child & another long 30 days under confinement where you can't go
out, can't eat 'normal' food, can't drink 'normal' water (I had to drink only red dates water & Dom...plain water is not even allowed), once a week hair wash & daily ginger water bath.

For me, I had a shopping & pampering session marathon from yesterday till today! I had a 5.5 hours of hair makeover, shopping spree on shoes & dress and of course clothes for my little prince too! Baby clothings are just to die for! Its sooo cute you can't stop picking them up but at the same time sooo pricey for that small material! I spent so much $$ for the past 2 days (it's crazzyy!!) but I'm happy cuz it's worth it! Afterall my little prince has got to dress up for his full moon party this coming Sat (good excuse), my hair had been untouched for 9 months (quite good excuse as well), old shoes some how shrinked in size (another errr...good excuse), and I have an annual company dinner in 2 weeks time which I think it would be impossible for me to get back into my old size dress by then - gotta hide the 'orrible looking flabby tummy of mine!! (quite true actually). So final verdict? MONEY WELL SPENT! :D

Tomorrow is the day my little prince gets his Hep B jab. Hope he will be brave & able to withstand the pain & whatever symptoms that may follow later on (I was told some babies get fever after the jab). I hope all is well for my darling little prince!!

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