25 December 2009

Christmas Parties

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

Christmas has always been special...love the songs, love the decor, love the spirit! Christians or non-Christians alike, everyone just loves Christmas!

Starting from 24th Dec (yesterday), I had Christmas lunch at the office (with beer and wine!!) followed by Christmas barbeque dinner at our friend's house (Felix's house) in Kelana Jaya. They played a friendly poker match and Tim won RM200++!! They were good...but Tim was better haha!

Then came midnight, Felix and the rest of the Sabahan friends, sang caroling in the house with Arthur the main man behind the guitar. Sabahan can really sing man! And I mean reallllly can sing! It was a fun evening!!

25th Dec... my relatives just left as I typed in here in my blog. We prepared Christmas lunch at home and everyone praised my salad!! My Scandinavian Salad was the most sought after dish apart from the Turkey :D (Hmmm...come to think of it, I haven't got a chance to cook for my FIL and MIL yet... maybe the next trip to Brunei :p But then again, my FIL is such a good cook in his Char kuey teow dish, I will never be able to compare to that haha! )

In the evening, whilst the men played their compulsory weekly mahjong game, the rest of us went up to Lookout Point Hill at Hulu Langat to check on the much-talk-about KL view. Is it nice if you ask me? Honestly...mmm....

Anyways, Happy Christmas and Singapore...here I come!! :D

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