07 October 2009

Ms Belle Danker

Weddings and weddings galore!

Everyone seems to be really interested in tying the knot at the end of the year. Some beginning and very few in the middle of the year.

Today's post (since I"m extremely F.R.E.E right now before my official work starts at 10am), is specially dedicated to my good buddy Eleanor Simone Danker whom will be registering her marriage with Ben at Putrajaya in few hours time!

Belle dearest, wishing you the best and happiest wedding and may you and Ben be blessed with a good marriage throughout both your life. I wish I could attend your wedding, but our wedding ceremony is on the same month hence...
Anyways, my thoughts are with you always! Lets have a fantastic and beautiful wedding together!

Happy Registration BELLE! Your favorite number 7 will be a blessed 7 :D

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