Here I am sitting down on my couch watching tv, playing Cityville, scrolling through FB reading all my friends' status and pictures AND thinking of my baby Hayden all at the same time. I miss Hayden.....I miss my son....terribly!!
Hayden has been staying over at my mom's place since yesterday as I began my first day of work since my delivery date 2 months back. I was supposed to head over to Cheras after work today and I was since the clock striked 6pm. Getting out of my office area took me half an hour (usually takes only 5 mins). Getting to the highway took me 45mins (usually 10mins). At the highway to the middle of the highway took me 1 hour. Stopped. Crawl again. Stopped. Crawl again. I was only on neutral gear the whole time!!! Arrghh! Why must it rain today? Everytime it rains, traffic gets SUPER bad all the time. Finally, I knew its impossible to get back to Cheras unless I dont mind getting stuck for 2 hours on the road. Since my body is currently battling with the cold virus I decided to make a detour and head home instead.
I made a call to my mom whilst on the road, listening and talking to Hayden through the phone... as soon as I hear him cooing over the phone, my heart sank. I missed him. I miss him so so much! Sigh......
I need to see him no matter what before I fly off to Bali again this Friday. If my nose is not dripping with white slimy mucus by then, I will be kissing him all over!!
Hayden darling... Mummy miss you terribly. Mummy wants to hug you and smell you and kiss you. Love you sweetie pie!!
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