29 January 2011

Hayden Today

As I am waiting for Glee Season 2 rerun to begin on StarWorld, I thought of Hayden (he is already sound asleep in the room). He will be 100th days old tomorrow! Time flies right before my eyes, and soon, I'm sure, he will running around mischievously and I will be with a cane in hand.

Hayden went for another scheduled monthly jab today and to our shocking surprise, he did not cry at all! What's more surprising, he was smiling at us right after! Hayden Dominic, you make mummy & daddy so proud of you! (even his dr sang praises about him!) 7 kg now, Hayden is such a darling!

His saliva is starting to drool and he is awake most of the time during day time. His eyes starts to focus on our faces and he will smile whenever we talk to him. I would keep a routine on his daily schedule and I personally think it is important that I do so :-

10.30am - "pom pom time!" (bathing time)
7.00pm - "massage time!"
9.30pm - "bed time!"

My mom does the same routine when Hayden is over at my parents'. He is naughty of course (he constantly wants to play! Then he gets absolutely tired and starts to cry real LOUD before he finally goes to sleep). Everybody loves Hayden (including my maid!) He definitely brings happiness to everyone around him especially when he puts on his killer smile...!

Hayden will be travelling by plane for the first time when we return home in Brunei this Chinese New Year. His grandpa & grandma in Brunei already missing him terribly!

Happy Chinese New Year to all my fellow Malaysians and everyone else around the world who celebrates this festive season! Kong Hei Fatt Choy!

Hayden and Daddy

Hayden and Mummy
(this pic was taken by hubby when we went for breakfast together -
just the 3 of us for the first time)

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