16 January 2010

Idol Seaon is Back!

You might be wondering....why there isn't any post since after I went to Singapore to watch the War of the Roses match together with my FIL... there's only one reason, and that's because my stupid Red Devils team Man Utd lost to Leeds!!! :( I was mourning in disappointment...

Well, now I'm back as the Idol fever is back! American Idol aired on our satelite channel since last Wednesday and its getting bigger and better especially since Simon Cowell's announced that this would be his last Idol season. Sad...he made the whole show worth watching, honestly speaking.

There's one special audition I would like to share with you, and to me, I personally think its all narrated & planned out by the producers of the show to spice things up. Watch this video and I'll tell you why:-

Why I think this audition was all planned out intentionally:-

a) Larry Platt (the contestant) is 62 years old. How on earth can he get past the door in the first place? Everyone knows all contestants must fill up a form detailing about themselves in order to participate and the rule says: contestant must be 16 - 28 years of age!

b) Simon to say, "What's the name of this song?" - Did he say that so that all audience would remember the title?

c) Simon to say, "I got a horrible feeling that this song would be a hit" - Simon being Simon. He himself is already an idol to all of us, hence, whatever he say, would surely have a huge impact in the media industry.

So I'd say, "Pants on the Ground" was made famous not by Gen. Larry Platt but by Simon Cowell!

Anyway, that's just my opinion... I do admit that this song does really stick to my head as it keeps ringing in my ears as I blogged it out here haha!

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