How does it feel to be left out all alone...to witness peers dating another, phone calls made with words of "I love you" uttered at the very end, couples holding hands singing, laughing and teasing whilst gazing into each other's eyes filled with emotion, passion and love.

Close friends may come running to you, grinning whilst whispering in your ear, "I'm getting married!" Ignoring your unadulterated feelings, you have no choice but to profess insincerity on feeling happy and melodramatic upon hearing the sensational news. But truly, deep within your soul, jealousy mounts, hoping and wishing you were in their shoe or rather wishing there is someone out there drawing you in, into the love-dating arena just like the rest of them.

There are moments where one would feel depressed for not being loved or not able to find one to love. A friend of mine once asked, "what is so wrong about me that I have no one to love or be loved?" The answer is relatively simple. There is nothing wrong. The right time will come, as one day, the sun will shine on your knight who will eventually come knocking on your window.

One should shave off the knots on the desperate needs and focus on personal pampering as staying happy is the key to many wonders that would be bestowed in one's life.
Be happy, be contented as being alone is not an ill-fated destiny but rather a mark of an unpredictable start to a beginning of a life.
Well...Don't Worry, Be Happy'...jus' imagine those that are married wanted to in your shoes... cos' alot married couples tend to have alot problems....
anyway Travel More, meet more *NEW* people... I bet one of them is the Knight you been waiting for... with a Black Shiny Car (not a Horse) =P
Yeah Cecilia agree with you, only that my blog is not about me but about general description of live & love :P
More stories coming up!
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