24 September 2010

Week 35 and Counting!

Well, I guess I'm in desperate need to blog as I'm doing so via my ever so reliable iPhone right now. Tomorrow I'll be in my 35th week (3-5 more weeks to go!!). How am I feeling? I'd say...TORTURING BUT HAPPY!

I never knew I could be happy being tortured by the little munchkin in my belly. I guess it gives me the assurance that my baby is doing just fine - with him actively kicking and bumping around. There are times when it's not moving, I would just talk to him and stroke my belly at the same time, telling him to give me a sign that he is all right. Coincidence or not, my little baby actually kicks back in response to my calling!

I've packed the bag with all that I need in case I go into labour. In this week and the coming weeks, I hope I won't be bed-ridden as honestly, I'm already starting to have constant lower back pain, Braxton hicks, false contractions and my limbs are beginning to swell like balloons. Driving to work seems tiring to me now and the most obvious part is the numbness on my fingers. Picture this: you fold your right hand into a fist and your fingers would get stuck in that position! How do you open up your right hand again? You force it open with your other hand! Sounds weird eh? Well that's what I'm going through now and that's what pregnancy can do to you. To my fellow pregger mamas-to-be, don't worry! Different individuals have different symptoms :) Take it easy and enjoy the whole 10months process. It's worth it!

Motherhood is nearing...I am truly excited!!

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