We are now entering the 4th day. Time really flies. Everyday I wish I could turn back time to witness once again how it was on the night of the 27th. We all truly enjoyed ourselves.
Today, my wonderful photographer George gave me a link for a little sneak preview on what he has captured on the night of the 27th. His style is mostly candid, natural, highlighting the best moments (see http://timcindy.blogspot.com).
After the night of the 27th, we received numerous feedbacks, all of them were praises - on the FOOD (we had sharksfin, piglet, abalone & lobster but I didnt get to eat any of them!), on the DECOR (angelic theme, garden concept with fairy lightings & candle light stands along the red carpet), on the PERFORMANCES (the grand openning with an angel appearing on stage & masquerading down the aisle), on the MC (with his fantastic dual language capability - especially with his rap in mandarin) and most of all on the BAND (excellent song choice and performances).
Some asked if my cousin Adrian who sang on stage was a professional singer (he looked dashingly handsome that night, not to mention he has a great voice too)! Some even asked if Tracie was seeing anyone at the moment! (p/s - 'some' is an understatement. I have received loads of compliments on Tracie - I think I'll change my profession and be Tracie's manager for her fan club soon)
I can't believe it has already been 4 days since the wedding! If only there's "groundhog day" and I can live through the moment again and again...and again. Don't think I can ever get enough of it...yet. Hearing these feedbacks brought huge wide smile to my face as my 1 year preparation and imagination on how I want the wedding dinner in KL for Tim & I to be, finally became a reality.
Well, pushing aside the memoirs of 27th, it is time to concentrate on the next big one! 13th December 2009! A custom wedding in a foreign land! (for me that is). We will be holding an official wedding ceremony and on that day, I can label Brunei as my home sweet home from then on...
My stunning S.I.L and my handsome prince
Jeff, our MC

Adrian, my cousin - serenaded us on our first dance as a wedded couple

My new beloved family

Kiss of love
Hi gorgeous!
I've probably said this 3 million times before but your wedding is simply stunning! I had a look through the blog and I love the pictures! You look amazing!
All the best in your new life lovebirds!
Caryn x
Hi Caryn!
Thank you so much! If you were there that night, it would have been even more fantastic! When do you think we will have the chance to meet each other you think?
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