Okayyyy so I've not been posting much. Its all because I've been extremely ridiculously busy. Having already attended 3 weddings in a ROW and one more this coming Saturday, I am definitely deprived of sleep. However, apart from my rants here, I am certainly looking forward to this Saturday as my dearie cousy Sue Ann will be registering her marriage with my soon-to-be cousin-in-law Ronnie Lim at Carcosa Seri Negara!
Congratulations to the both of you in advance and thanks for selecting me as your bridesmaid (or Maiden of Honour whichever deem fit lah). I am truly honored!
So far, I've been slotting every minute of my weekends to do what I term it as "Wedding Preps". Tim & I even created our very own E-VITE (thanks Raj for giving us this name haha!). Its actually an e-invitation card to be sent to our friends. Technologies these days are so good that it will replace those traditional wedding cards soon!
For those whom are still waiting for your invitation cards, don't worry. Its coming to your way soon!
hello darling cousie!
Found your blog. :)
Haha! Pretty hard to find eh? :p How did you know?
er, coz I'm smart? LOL~ Kidding.
From sue's blog.
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