Its 8.06am...on a Sunday. I asked myself why am I up so early in the morning...I should be having long hours of sleep on weekends, giving the fact that I wake up too darn early every other day. The first thing that came to my mind was "AA".

I attended a special charity theatre show called The Wacky Bar last night at PJ Life Arts, Jaya One. This star-studded show is directed by Joanna Bessey and revolves around a bar filled with eccentric characters. The cast includes Joanne Kam Poh Poh, Gavin Yap, Rashid Salleh, Elaine Pedley, Maya Tan Abdullah, Daphne Iking and Patrick Teoh as the bar owner. Amber Chia also made a special appearance as Lulu, a skinny pretty girl from mainland China. Their act and story lines were hillarious and so real! The story line includes a husband cheating his wife, girl meets a man but he doesn't call her back after 3 weeks, men and football, what women think of men & vice versa. Its a good production giving the fact that it is produced by Passionately YOU for the 1st time. Passionately YOU is a woman drive campaign dedicated to women's health and to celebrate all cervical and breast cancer vicitms and survivor's fighting spirit. The campaign organizers include Assunta Hospital, Jaya One, Asia Assistance (my ex-company) and PJLA...
Anyway, something lingered in my head the whole night, and tonight I'll be meeting my "ex" Chairman to get it all clear out. Good or bad I dont know yet. But I know, the outcome will determine my coming future ...
Here are some photos from last night...enjoy!
A quick snap inside the theatre before the show begin
A snap of yours truly by a kind photographer
Yoyee & her dinky :D Thanks dearie for the tix!
Mr Choy CEO of Assunta Hospital
This looks like the same duck we sold last year
for Passionately Pink.Only difference is the logo on the cap haha!
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