Ok, so you have an argument. Big deal.
On second thought, it is rather big a deal as at the point...the boiling point....where your brain reaches 100 degrees celcius, you cannot (no matter how rational you proclaim to be) think clearly or utter intelligent words to your other half so as to instigate or to bring about the I-am-not-wrong-it's-your-fault statement. Then, you tend to wonder, what is so good about him that I have to stick with him till now? If it is so difficult, if he does not understand me, then just call out the "B" word. Done. He goes his way, I go mine.
Those were old school days. From my past relationships, I've learnt that the "B" word cannot and must not be uttered at anyone's whims or fancy unless one really means it. However, having said the above, after the heated argument, how many tends to regret as to what was uttered? How many of you experience having your partner coming back to you, with intention of solving the issue and getting back together again irregardless of who's fault it was?
Women are peculiar creatures created by God. We tend to think too much, being sensitive with minor details, wanting to be swept of the feet by some romanticsm-male species, a fear factor to all mankind with our irregular mood swings especially during certain period of the month, and extra-terrestrial transformation from jello-muscles whenever we are asked to carry heavy loads, but turn heavy-duty when comes to shopping bags. Amongst these unique traits, women generally want a man whom can love them with all their heart and insecurity would never be in the room for consideration.
That is the kind of man I am so ever glad to have by my side as I know, with each kisses, hugs & sweet loving words being poured in, generally speaking, the epidemic of sadness will not be hovering above for days (as issues would and must be solved at that moment itself) and most of all, you will inherit the feeling of forever being in love with the person you wake up to every morning.
I thank God each day that I have him in my life now. It takes both hands to clap and our claps are getting louder as each day passes by...
30 April 2009
23 April 2009
The Love for Japanese Anime
Who would have thought at my age Anime is still an appealing cyber-drama for yours truly here?
It started 5 years ago when I was first introduced to Naruto by someone special. Pretty sceptical at first but after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd episode, I could not contain my excitement in catching the next 4th and 5th episode of the Japanese animated cartoon movie. I was so hooked on that I could not wait for the 9 -5 day to end before I could go home (with that special someone -then) to tune in for the following episodes.
2 years later after I started, things changed. I stopped watching all together. The word "anime" was a taboo and the burning excitement that I used to have was completely put off. Reason? I shall leave the "reason" unanswered for now....
Recently, the sentence of "I am a fan of Naruto!" plastered in one of my friend's Facebook shoutout. It brought back the memory of my love for this particular anime and I googled up "Naruto" without much hesitation. Download was the name of the game.
From then on, till today, I could not get enough of animes and my heart burns with etching desire once again to watch it over and over again. That "reason" I mentioned above, was no longer an impetus fear that needed to be avoided anymore....
Some may think it is pretty childish to be interested in such cartoons, but to me, beyond the "childishness", these Japanese animes leaves an impact in the real world that we live in. How we should never give up in times we fail, the meaning of friendship and what role it plays and how we should walk towards the goal that we set ourselves upon. These type of animes possess a deep fundamental meaning to life in which many of us fail to remind ourselves as we grow older and older as each year passes by...
It started 5 years ago when I was first introduced to Naruto by someone special. Pretty sceptical at first but after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd episode, I could not contain my excitement in catching the next 4th and 5th episode of the Japanese animated cartoon movie. I was so hooked on that I could not wait for the 9 -5 day to end before I could go home (with that special someone -then) to tune in for the following episodes.
2 years later after I started, things changed. I stopped watching all together. The word "anime" was a taboo and the burning excitement that I used to have was completely put off. Reason? I shall leave the "reason" unanswered for now....
Recently, the sentence of "I am a fan of Naruto!" plastered in one of my friend's Facebook shoutout. It brought back the memory of my love for this particular anime and I googled up "Naruto" without much hesitation. Download was the name of the game.
From then on, till today, I could not get enough of animes and my heart burns with etching desire once again to watch it over and over again. That "reason" I mentioned above, was no longer an impetus fear that needed to be avoided anymore....
Some may think it is pretty childish to be interested in such cartoons, but to me, beyond the "childishness", these Japanese animes leaves an impact in the real world that we live in. How we should never give up in times we fail, the meaning of friendship and what role it plays and how we should walk towards the goal that we set ourselves upon. These type of animes possess a deep fundamental meaning to life in which many of us fail to remind ourselves as we grow older and older as each year passes by...

Uzumaki Naruto from "Naruto-Shippuden"

Shindou Hikaru from "Hikaru No Go"
22 April 2009
Bridal Castle
Its an all girly affair....
8 months to DE day, I was scheduled to try on my gown(S). I was ever so excited as my eyes zoomed past every designer gowns hung neatly in that bridal castle, scrutinizing the colours, shape, design and touching & filling the soft satiny fabrics on each gown. Though I am ever so fickle-minded, loving everything, unable to choose anything, I was like a girly-girl doll being dressed up like a little princess, getting ready to go to a royal ball... Yes, OUR dream royal ball on 27/11/09 & 13/12/09!
I am so thankful to have my maid-of-honour by my side in that fitting room...zipping, flipping, undressing (yeah, you get the picture) and it was totally an overwhelming affair. I stood on a little platform as I slipped on the beautiful white gown. The curtain drew open. I sheepishly called onto my other half who was then sitting on the couch next to my mama. He looked up, eyes affixed on mine, gazing... one second I thought, the clock had stopped ticking. With his transfixed eyes and heart-warming smile, such tender expression I could not narrate further. That moment, he has unlocked the true meaning of love deep within my heart.
This will be another love-filled memory for Snow White's diary as I pen down the unforgetable moments that leads to the day when 2 become 1....
Here are some random photos of gowns that I have tried on.
Note: The actual gowns are not revealed here. Keeping it sealed until the final day.

8 months to DE day, I was scheduled to try on my gown(S). I was ever so excited as my eyes zoomed past every designer gowns hung neatly in that bridal castle, scrutinizing the colours, shape, design and touching & filling the soft satiny fabrics on each gown. Though I am ever so fickle-minded, loving everything, unable to choose anything, I was like a girly-girl doll being dressed up like a little princess, getting ready to go to a royal ball... Yes, OUR dream royal ball on 27/11/09 & 13/12/09!
I am so thankful to have my maid-of-honour by my side in that fitting room...zipping, flipping, undressing (yeah, you get the picture) and it was totally an overwhelming affair. I stood on a little platform as I slipped on the beautiful white gown. The curtain drew open. I sheepishly called onto my other half who was then sitting on the couch next to my mama. He looked up, eyes affixed on mine, gazing... one second I thought, the clock had stopped ticking. With his transfixed eyes and heart-warming smile, such tender expression I could not narrate further. That moment, he has unlocked the true meaning of love deep within my heart.
This will be another love-filled memory for Snow White's diary as I pen down the unforgetable moments that leads to the day when 2 become 1....
Here are some random photos of gowns that I have tried on.
Note: The actual gowns are not revealed here. Keeping it sealed until the final day.
15 April 2009
Farewell...7 Years
28th February 2009...the end of my 7 years tenure as the child of Asia Assistance (AA). I called myself as AA's child as I joined when there were less than 20 staff in a 4500 sq.ft space. Now, AA has its own 5 storey building with 4500 sqf for each floor that caters close to 200 staff force. Talk about growing!
Some may say I was the blue-eye girl but I rather associate myself as the Jane-of-all-thread as from being in the Operation, to the Human Resource, to the Marketing and finally to the Legal, Corporate Affairs, I must say, it was indeed a great working experience for me all these years...
Knowing in and out of how the company works and to be acquainted and mentored by the brainchild of AA (my Chairman & MD that is), I could not asked for more.

Though it has been 2 months now that I have left, but my heart remains with them. I guess after 7 years of being in the medical service industry, though heading the Legal Department, the curiosity of the court processes that constantly lingers in my mind, failed to disperse. Seeing my college peers dressed up in white collored blouse and black skinny skirts with briefcase in one hand, elates my secret burning desire from within. Thus, a letter with the big letter "R" as its heading, neatly folded in a white blank envelope addressed to my MD surfaced. It was time.
As I looked back at all these years, the opportunities that was bestowed upon me by my mentors were undeniably plenty. The benefits, I shall remain discreet in my blog, but the trips were inspiring. Working in AA had gave me the chance to explore not just in Malaysia but the other part of the globe as well. Amongst the country that I had set foot in - Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, France, Spain and Czech Republic, the best unforgetable one was when I met the exceptional & wonderful Mr Claude Giroux in his one of its kind yacht sailing into the South China Sea. Truly remarkable man indeed.
Well, this may not be the end...who knows, as the World is round, anything can happen. Time will tell.

Leaving some clips of my memory that wows me during my first trip to Paris.
Some may say I was the blue-eye girl but I rather associate myself as the Jane-of-all-thread as from being in the Operation, to the Human Resource, to the Marketing and finally to the Legal, Corporate Affairs, I must say, it was indeed a great working experience for me all these years...
Knowing in and out of how the company works and to be acquainted and mentored by the brainchild of AA (my Chairman & MD that is), I could not asked for more.

Though it has been 2 months now that I have left, but my heart remains with them. I guess after 7 years of being in the medical service industry, though heading the Legal Department, the curiosity of the court processes that constantly lingers in my mind, failed to disperse. Seeing my college peers dressed up in white collored blouse and black skinny skirts with briefcase in one hand, elates my secret burning desire from within. Thus, a letter with the big letter "R" as its heading, neatly folded in a white blank envelope addressed to my MD surfaced. It was time.
As I looked back at all these years, the opportunities that was bestowed upon me by my mentors were undeniably plenty. The benefits, I shall remain discreet in my blog, but the trips were inspiring. Working in AA had gave me the chance to explore not just in Malaysia but the other part of the globe as well. Amongst the country that I had set foot in - Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, France, Spain and Czech Republic, the best unforgetable one was when I met the exceptional & wonderful Mr Claude Giroux in his one of its kind yacht sailing into the South China Sea. Truly remarkable man indeed.
Well, this may not be the end...who knows, as the World is round, anything can happen. Time will tell.

Leaving some clips of my memory that wows me during my first trip to Paris.
14 April 2009
Krabi Day 3
Well, after a good looonnngggg day of island hopping and camera-whorring, Day 3 began...
So, there were 5 of us in a room. Hotel breakfast only for 2. What should we do? Vivian and I took the liberty to savour the hotel breakfast at the poolside cafe (as we were the only energetic ones who could wake up first bright early in the morning whilst the rest could not get their butt off the bed) and we did the most typical Malaysian kiasu-thing. We took 2 - 3 plates filled with omelette, sausages & bacon (believe it or not, we had to cook the sausages & bacon ourselves!) and wrapped them up neatly in few pieces of serviettes to tapau for the girls up in the room. We had to do it discreetly and boy, we felt like James Bond in Mission Impossible! Our eyes wandered from left to right, filling up the serviettes when we thought nobody was watching. After completing our mission, we both conspired a plan: that at the count of 3, we would walk slowly towards the exit...with our hands covering the eggs, sausages & bacon neatly squished in those pieces of serviettes. We nodded silently in agreement to our master plan, we waited for the coast to be clear...
1...2....3, Vivian stood up first, I calmly sip my last drop of coffee, moved second behind her. The exit was on our right but we took a diversion towards the pool area on our left (this was not in our master plan! But the idea came naturally in our creative brain - we are both Geminis). So, we pretended to be mesmerized at the beauty of the pool water before heading back towards the exit and back to our room. I looked straight up confidently as I chanted silently "you can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me.." As I walked past the hotel staff, averted those eyes that seems to be saying "I-know-what-you-did-at-breakfast..." After 10 minutes of self-mental torture, we both arrived safely at our hotel room without being caught! The girls then had their serviette-served breakfast and Lorraine, especially, loved the squished omelette! Phew! Mission completed!
After breakfast, we waited for Pak to take us to our next adventure - Elephant ridding and Hot Spring!! And the rest of our adventure would be best described with these pictures below. Enjoy!!

Disappointing Hot Spring...we ended up dipping our feet only. Wait correction: I was the only one who did so - just to tell the rest of the world, my feet tasted the hot spring water in Krabi!
Hen's night begin with few games of Pyramid as a starter!
Ok...so...that was the effect of the Pyramid game...
We pampered ourselves with Boots!! We practicaly "sapu" the whole store!
So, there were 5 of us in a room. Hotel breakfast only for 2. What should we do? Vivian and I took the liberty to savour the hotel breakfast at the poolside cafe (as we were the only energetic ones who could wake up first bright early in the morning whilst the rest could not get their butt off the bed) and we did the most typical Malaysian kiasu-thing. We took 2 - 3 plates filled with omelette, sausages & bacon (believe it or not, we had to cook the sausages & bacon ourselves!) and wrapped them up neatly in few pieces of serviettes to tapau for the girls up in the room. We had to do it discreetly and boy, we felt like James Bond in Mission Impossible! Our eyes wandered from left to right, filling up the serviettes when we thought nobody was watching. After completing our mission, we both conspired a plan: that at the count of 3, we would walk slowly towards the exit...with our hands covering the eggs, sausages & bacon neatly squished in those pieces of serviettes. We nodded silently in agreement to our master plan, we waited for the coast to be clear...
1...2....3, Vivian stood up first, I calmly sip my last drop of coffee, moved second behind her. The exit was on our right but we took a diversion towards the pool area on our left (this was not in our master plan! But the idea came naturally in our creative brain - we are both Geminis). So, we pretended to be mesmerized at the beauty of the pool water before heading back towards the exit and back to our room. I looked straight up confidently as I chanted silently "you can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me.." As I walked past the hotel staff, averted those eyes that seems to be saying "I-know-what-you-did-at-breakfast..." After 10 minutes of self-mental torture, we both arrived safely at our hotel room without being caught! The girls then had their serviette-served breakfast and Lorraine, especially, loved the squished omelette! Phew! Mission completed!
After breakfast, we waited for Pak to take us to our next adventure - Elephant ridding and Hot Spring!! And the rest of our adventure would be best described with these pictures below. Enjoy!!

03 April 2009
Krabi - Day 2
Island hopping. That was on our hit list. A must-do-list in Krabi. All 5 of us, dressed to kill in our hot skanky bikini wear and head to the hotel lounge awaiting the arrival of our tourguide, Pak something (I'm never good at remembering names darn!) ...

Pak was a great tour guide and we had little trouble communicating with him. No, no, we did not speak Thai of course (save and except for Gin who could converse a word or two - especially when comes to shopping and bargaining!) it was to our surprise that Pak actually could converse in Malay! Bahasa Malaysia!! So, we were yabbing away with him in our national language...in slow motion style.
So, there we were, escorted to a speed boat with 10 other lucky travellers (from Korea, to Americans), we started our island hopping expedition from 9am onwards. From Krabi island to Phi Phi island, it was a tour, a beautiful tour that I would never be able to forget. The places we went were breathakingly beautiful! Especially Maya Beach (in Ko Phi Phi) where this place was made famous from the movie "The Beach" (Leonardo Di Caprio was the leading star in this movie). As I walked on that white sandy beach, I wondered... whether I stepped on the same spot as Leo did... :D
Well, I will leave you with some pictures whilst I continue to dream of Leo...

Vacation in Krabi - Day 1
20th February 2009 - time of our lives!! The SG lives! The trip came about the right time, as most of us really needed a break after having worked under stressful condition in our office (my ex-office). This particular trip indeed was a meaningful trip for yours truly here as it was a trip in celebration of a "farewell" and also, "hen's night"...

Oh well... thank goodness we were all petite (okok, maybe just one or two...or probably 3 of us only who are about the same cute size). Anyhow, we managed to rough it out for 3 nights in this tiny little single bed. Amazing.
I remembered, the 5 of us had a huge task in our hands as soon as we first stepped into our Krabi La Playa hotel, Ao Nang. We had a good picturesque of how our hotel room would looked like but as so many travellers had forewarned us (never trust what the website says / or shows), we failed to heed the warning. The 5 of us had to sleep on the 2 beds that looks like this:

Oh well... thank goodness we were all petite (okok, maybe just one or two...or probably 3 of us only who are about the same cute size). Anyhow, we managed to rough it out for 3 nights in this tiny little single bed. Amazing.
Bride Wars
I've seen many movies and honestly, Bride Wars is one of those that perturbed my inner feelings as far as I can remember. Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway both had done a briliant job in enacting their role as best friends of the century and how a wedding (the most important day for all women - more than men mostly) could jeopardize a friendship that looked rock solid from outside to within. My tears dropped ten folds (probably could fit a fish bowl if the show continues on for additional 2 more hours!).
I'm not saying my friendship with my best friend had been jeopardized due to probably the same reason (note: "best friend" is a taboo word for me. I dont practice labelling any of my BFFs with this title anymore as I seem to be losing them for some weird reasons), but it some how triggered my inner most feelings of how much I miss "her", especially with those times where we seem inseparable.
Oh well, like how normally a good movie would end - we will see if it applies in the real world. MY world. I will leave you with pictures of these 2 bestest of friend.
I'm not saying my friendship with my best friend had been jeopardized due to probably the same reason (note: "best friend" is a taboo word for me. I dont practice labelling any of my BFFs with this title anymore as I seem to be losing them for some weird reasons), but it some how triggered my inner most feelings of how much I miss "her", especially with those times where we seem inseparable.
Oh well, like how normally a good movie would end - we will see if it applies in the real world. MY world. I will leave you with pictures of these 2 bestest of friend.

02 April 2009
The Mirror
Everyone goes through their ups and downs, like an economy scale. Mine is no different. It was raining tears in 2008 as I was in a nightmarish relationship that you and I could never imagine. After one year of battle between love & egoistic pride, I finally raised my white flag and called it quits. Though it ended with bitterness in my heart, little did i know, that year itself turned out to be the best year of my life.
One fine afternoon, after a good meeting with another lawyer friend of mine, I was walking down the street heading towards the ticketing machine. Like most girls, when you see a mirror, you will always try to sneak a peak at your own reflection (hehe, well most girls lah). And I was one of those girls. As I was walking past a travel agent office with a glassdoor that has a mirrorish reflection bouncing off that pure bronzy glass, I took a quick peek at my reflection. Satisfied. I was about to walk away when I realized, I was not the only one looking at my own relection. Another, was doing the same. The only difference with that person was, he wasn't looking at his own relection, he was on... mine. I turned. My heartbeat raced 120kmh. My feet was locked on the ground as I was greeted with a smile that I somehow knew, would last a life time. And like how it is, the rest is history.... That mirror, was the mirror that connected two souls - mine and my current other half :)
One fine afternoon, after a good meeting with another lawyer friend of mine, I was walking down the street heading towards the ticketing machine. Like most girls, when you see a mirror, you will always try to sneak a peak at your own reflection (hehe, well most girls lah). And I was one of those girls. As I was walking past a travel agent office with a glassdoor that has a mirrorish reflection bouncing off that pure bronzy glass, I took a quick peek at my reflection. Satisfied. I was about to walk away when I realized, I was not the only one looking at my own relection. Another, was doing the same. The only difference with that person was, he wasn't looking at his own relection, he was on... mine. I turned. My heartbeat raced 120kmh. My feet was locked on the ground as I was greeted with a smile that I somehow knew, would last a life time. And like how it is, the rest is history.... That mirror, was the mirror that connected two souls - mine and my current other half :)
A SnowWhite's Diary - The Beginning
Its been quite a while, comtemplating whether to start my own blog or not. The previous posts were mainly on the lives of the people surrounding me - how it affects me as a person, a friend. Gosh I love each and everyone of `em! Now, sitting in my brand new office (despite being all alone most of the time), thinking...it is time for me to begin writing. The purpose is simple, 50 years from now, I will be able to read back the silly-ness of yours truly here on how my mind thinks, how my heart feels, how my body ages... (grrr) I wonder how cyberspace would look like 50 years from now eh? I will be writing piece by piece of the past events that had had happened throughout the past 1 year. Surreal!
Today, a day past April's Fool's day, in the year where my life will be upscaled to one-notch as this year will be my last year to celebrate my singlehood-life! So, hang on to your seat and let the blog begin!
Today, a day past April's Fool's day, in the year where my life will be upscaled to one-notch as this year will be my last year to celebrate my singlehood-life! So, hang on to your seat and let the blog begin!
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